Minunatul Gacha RPG Tower of God: Great Journey preînregistrarea începe pe 11 ianuarie

Minunatul Gacha RPG Tower of God: Great Journey preînregistrarea începe pe 11 ianuarie

Nodul sursă: 1886195
feature image for our tower of god great journey pre-registration news piece, the image features promo images for the anime show, with a variety of the show's characters

The Tower of God: Great Journey pre-registration period begins on January 11, 2023. The announcement for the gacha game took many by surprise, as nobody expected a mobile game adaptation of the popular anime series. As fans wait for a second season, this game should tide them over for a while. 

If you plan to sign up for the Tower of God: Great Journey pre-registration, you can do so on the game’s site oficial. Există și a Pagina de Twitter that you can visit to keep up with the latest updates for the game.

What is Tower of God: Great Journey?

If you’re a fan of the anime, the game’s overall storyline may seem familiar. As with many mobile game adaptations of a TV series, Tower of God: Great Journey follows the exact same story. Some may argue that this is a negative, although it allows fans to relive the storyline. For those who haven’t seen the anime, it’ll be a fresh experience for them.

Cum este jocul?

Let’s go over some of the features that are in the game. Tower of God: Great Journey is a 2D RPG mobile game that also includes a gacha system. You collect a variety of familiar faces and assemble a team out of them. The combat is fairly simple and is reminiscent of other gacha games. As usual, there’s a skill gauge that you can build up by taking part in the battle – which then leads to being used to perform special abilities.

As the game is a gacha RPG, there is also an intricate levelling system. This means you’ll have to grind out plenty of content to obtain certain materials and resources. This is pretty standard in RPG games, so it shouldn’t be anything new for those of you who already love this type of game.

Tower of God: Great Journey Pre-Registration Rewards

As of right now, there aren’t any Tower of God Great Journey pre-registration rewards. However, there may be more news about this once January 11 rolls around – keep an eye on our news page for more updates.


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