Cum să-ți antrenezi echipa de bază pentru strângerea de fonduri

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Strângerea eficientă de fonduri este un proces, iar majoritatea nu cere. Mai degrabă, îi educ pe alții cu privire la cauza ta și dezvoltarea relațiilor. The asking part is usually less than five seconds. If you can talk or write about your passion for your cause, then you have 99 percent of the job done.

Next, it’s important to realize that you bring something important to the table: action! Not everyone can take action. Don’t worry about why. They’re just not in the position to do what you do for the cause.

What you bring to them is the ability to act. What they bring is the money to help you act. In biology, there’s a word for this: symbiosis. A symbiotic relationship occurs when two organisms help each other for their mutual benefit. The problem is that most people confuse their fundraising as a parasitic relationship — a relationship where only one party benefits to the detriment of the other.

Fundraising is symbiotic. You bring donors the joy and satisfaction of seeing action taken on an important issue, as well as the opportunity to form social connections around your cause, and so much more.

Acum, această următoare afirmație poate fi oarecum controversată, dar este adevărată: almost everyone can afford to give to your cause.

The problem comes from the meaning of the word “afford.” When someone says, “I can’t afford that,” the implication is that they don’t have the money for expenditure at hand. That could be true, but it’s rarely the case as often as we imagine. Yes, if you earn $25,000 per year and want to buy a $1 million home, you can’t afford it. Yet in the majority of circumstances, that’s not what people mean. When most people say, “I can’t afford that,” they’re saying, “I haven’t made that expenditure a priority.” Something else is more important than what you are suggesting they do.

De unde știm că acest lucru este adevărat? Deoarece persoanele cu mijloace mai mici dau mai mult proporțional cu veniturile lor decât cei cu mijloace mai mari. If the people who have the least manage to afford to give the most, then anyone can, if they believe in your cause.

Doar dau pe cont propriu? Nu. Majoritatea oamenilor nu dau pentru că nu li se cere! It’s sad, but true. Only a very few, special people will give money to your cause without being asked. And if they do, it’s probably much less than they could contribute. Unfortunately, it’s contrary to human nature to see good work and simply reward it without additional prompting. Asking why you’re not rewarded with support for doing great things is a moot question. It won’t happen and waiting around for donors to come to you puts your cause at risk.

When fundraising, give everyone the dignity of being asked. Saying, “I won’t ask them because I know they can’t (or won’t) give,” is disrespectful. Treat donors like the adults they are! Let them decide for themselves. If you step back and reflect a bit, you’ll probably find that it’s not them you’re concerned about, it’s you. Insisting that donors won’t give is often a way of saying, “I’m not comfortable asking.” Forgive yourself, and go ahead and ask!

There are plenty of people to ask, starting with you!

Of course, the person you need to ask first is yourself. Before you ask anyone else to fund your cause, you need to put in your own money first. Think of it this way: if you don’t think it’s important enough to give, why should your donors? Yes, you put in all sorts of time furthering your cause. You might even risk your physical being and reputation. That’s not enough. You have to show up on the list that donors see after they make their gift. They’ll notice, and question their own commitment if you’re not there.

Along with that, everyone who leads the organization, from the top down, needs to give. In fundraising, it’s called “top-down, inside-out.” Great fundraising starts with the first gifts from the people who lead the organization and are closest to the cause.

Este important să ne amintim că o mare parte din strângerea de fonduri este un joc de numere. Chiar dacă cauza ta se concentrează pe un singur cartier sau pe un singur bloc, ai mai mulți potențiali donatori decât crezi. Dacă nu i-ai întrebat pe toți, mai există potențial acolo. Și după ce ai întrebat pe toată lumea din comunitatea ta, există încă o mulțime de persoane din afară care vor vedea valoarea cauzei tale pentru că îți iubesc energia, empatizează cu cauza ta sau văd aceleași probleme în propria lor comunitate.

Instead of asking for support randomly, there’s a trick to help identify the best people to ask. It comes with the help of the CIA!

CIA? Agenția de informații? Nu, capacitate, interes, acces!

Your best potential donors have the capacity to make the gift you’re requesting — whether that’s $10, or $10,000. They have an interest in the cause. In fact, the more interest they have in your cause, darul cu potențial mai mare in proportion to their capacity to make a gift. And, (and this is essential), you have to be able to connect with them somehow — you need access. Access isn’t always an in-person, face-to-face connection. It could be an address for direct mail, o conexiune social media, or a phone number for a call or text.

Strângerea de fonduri de succes nu se referă la tehnici sau trucuri speciale. Nu este vorba dacă scrii o scrisoare, găzduiești o campanie electorală, or stop people on the street to ask for donations. It’s about how well you tell your story, how much you believe in that story, and how you get your story out. Remember, you can make your dreams happen, their dreams happen, and fulfil the dream of your cause — all by asking.

Your cause is too important to anything less!

Matt Hugg este autor și instructor în management nonprofit în SUA și în străinătate. Este președinte și fondator al Nonprofit.Cursuri, o resursă educațională eLearning la cerere pentru lideri nonprofit, personal, membri ai consiliului de administrație și voluntari, cu mii de cursuri în aproape fiecare aspect al activității nonprofit.



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