Fără înțelegere: Votul pentru infrastructură a fost amânat după ce progresiștii refuză să bugeteze

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Actualizare (2330ET): House Democrats called off a Thursday night vote on the $1.2 trillion infrastructure package after the Progressive Caucus was unconvinced by leadership’s proposed ‘bicameral framework’ to move forward on the legislation.

To review – House progressives have threatened to sink the Senate-passed infrastructure deal unless the moderate Democrats in the Senate agree to pass the $3.5 trillion social spending package. And with moderate Senate Democrats Joe Manchin (WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (AZ) refusing to vote on acea legislation unless – according to Manchin – it’s no more than $1.5 trillion, it appears acordul de infrastructură este sortit eșecului dacă nu se fac schimbări majore.

Nu văd o înțelegere în seara asta, chiar nu văd,” said Manchin, after leaving a meeting with White House officials and Sinema, per the Wall Street Journal. “We just—we need a little bit more time,” he added.

Democrații erau așteptați să-și reia negocierile vineri, după ce au anulat votul de joi privind proiectul de lege privind infrastructura, a doua oară au amânat un vot programat asupra legislației. Proiectul de lege s-a confruntat cu opoziția democraților liberali, care nu vor să-l voteze până când Senatul nu a adoptat proiectul de lege mai amplu de politică socială, în încercarea de a-și menține influența în negocierile complexe. Proiectul de lege pentru infrastructură ar finanța îmbunătățiri ale drumurilor, podurilor, portului și extinderea accesului la internet în bandă largă. -WSJ

Președintele Caucusului Progresist al Congresului, Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) (Foto: michael reynolds/epa/Shutterstock)

Unii consilieri i-au spus Jurnal că Manchin ar putea fi convins să accepte o propunere de 2 de miliarde de dolari, cu toate acestea, președintele Congresului Progresist Caucus Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) a declarat joi că majoritatea democraților doresc o pachet mult mai mare, and still plan to vote against the infrastructure bill until it’s passed by the Senate.

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Actualizare (2140ET):

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a Thursday night “Dear Colleague” letter that it’s been a “day of progress,” and that “Discussions continue with the House, Senate and White House to reach a bicameral framework agreement to Build Back Better through a reconciliation bill.

de Știri Punchbowl" Jake Sherman:

Potrivit LA Times Nolan McCaskill, the infrastructure vote may happen on Friday, as a source tells him that House progressives are being presented with a “framework” as we speak.

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Actualizare (1930ET): Președintele Biden a semnat rezoluția continuă, evitând o închidere la miezul nopții și finanțând guvernul până pe 3 decembrie, potrivit Bloomberg.

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Actualizare (1546ET): The House has OK’d the Senate-passed Continuing Resolution (CR) by a 254-175 vote – avoid a government shutdown at midnight, after the Senate passed the stopgap spending bill 65-35.

Next stop, Biden’s desk.

Proiectul de lege a fost aprobat abia după ce democrații au eliminat o încercare anterioară de a lega o suspendare a plății datoriilor de proiectul de lege, care a fost blocat luni de senatorii GOP.

It also does not include a proposed $1 billion allocation for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system pushed by GOP lawmakers. That said, the House has already passed a standalone bill to provide that funding, which the Senate may soon take up.

Mișcarea va menține guvernul finanțat până pe 3 decembrie, după care vor putea aduce o nouă rezoluție continuă (CR). Contine 28.6 miliarde de dolari pentru relocarea refugiaților din dezastrul din Afganistan.

According to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), her chamber will take up the bill on Thursday, where it’s expected to receive overwhelming support.

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Actualizare (1340ET): Senatul SUA are suficiente voturi pentru a adopta un proiect de lege care va prelungi finanțarea guvernamentală până pe 3 decembrie, evitând o închidere la miezul nopții în această seară.

The bill will next move to the House, which is expected to clear it for President Biden’s signature this afternoon.

Între timp, the rest of the Democrat’s agenda remains in limbo, after Rep. Pramila Jayapal said House progressives were “in the same place” following a meeting with Speaker Pelosi regarding their refusal to vote ‘yes’ on the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill without concurrently passing the $3.5 trillion economic blueprint.

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While Congressional Democrats are nowhere near a deal on a $3.5 trillion social spending package, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi planning to move forward with a Thursday vote on the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill that’s doomed to fail due to party infighting, Republicanii sunt pregătiți să le acorde o victorie minoră.

Joi, liderul minorității din Senat Mitch McConnell (R-KY) a prezis asta Senatul ar adopta o Rezoluție continuă (CR) to avoid a partial government shutdown – sugerând că destui senatori republicani vor susține măsura democrată care trebuie votată mai târziu în cursul zilei.

“The Continuing Resolution contains a number of key items that Republicans call for,” said McConnell. “That includes supplemental funds to resettle Afghan refugees, and hurricane recovery aid for Louisiana.”

McConnell then said it was “seriously disappointing” that Democrats wouldn’t let them fund Israel’s Iron Dome, adding “It honestly baffles me that defensive aid to our ally, Israel, has become a thorny subject for the political left. But overall, this is encouraging progress.”

“On government funding, what Republicans laid out all along was a plain, continuing resolution, without the poison pill of a debt limit increase. That’s exactly what we’ll pass today.

CR este o măsură stop-gap care oferă temporar finanțare guvernului prin intermediul decembrie 3rd, moment în care Congresul va trebui să emită un alt CR pentru a finanța restul anului fiscal.

După cum am remarcat joi mai devreme, the Democrats’ hopes of passing 4.6 trilioane de dolari în legislație în curând par să fie subțiri.

În ciuda senatorului democrat moderat Joe Manchin din Virginia de Vest refusing on Wednesday to back his party’s $3.5 trillion spending plan  – calling it the “definition of fiscal insanity,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi still plans to hold a vote on the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill that House progressives vowed to sink unless the $3.5 trillion plan was passed in tandem.

“So far, so good for today,” said Pelosi at a press conference following a meeting with her leadership team, adding “We’re on a path to win the vote.”

According to Assistant Speaker Katherine Clark, even if the bill doesn’t pass today, the impact will be limited.

“Whether that vote happens today, and I hope it does, this is not over,” she told Bloomberg TV, adding ““If we haven’t reached that point in our negotiations, our commitment is to getting this entire agenda done, and that will happen.”

Mult noroc cu asta.

In short, looks like the government won’t shut down – but the debt ceiling and the spending packages rămâne în limb.

Sursa: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/mcconnell-signals-gop-support-avoid-government-shutdown


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