Fondatorul, Alex McCurry, îi spune „crap” pe SHIB și DOGE

Fondatorul, Alex McCurry, îi spune „crap” pe SHIB și DOGE

Nodul sursă: 1946447
  • Alex McCurry, the founder of, recently criticized Shiba Inu and Dogecoin on Twitter.
  • Bigger Entertainment CEO Steven Cooper has also criticized Shiba Inu.
  • Community members claimed boosted token growth, and head creator Shytoshi Kusama’s criticism increased.

On February 8, Alex McCurry, the creator of the blockchain development business, took to Twitter to brand Shiba Inu, Dogecoin, and other dog-themed coins “crap.”

Additionally, McCurry’s comments come at the same time as growing worries about the stability and trustworthiness of meme tokens. Meme tokens are popular because they are new, but many experts criticize them for having no real value and being used for speculation and quick gains.

However, those racial slurs aren’t only directed at McCurry; they’re also directed at the devoted backers of the Shiba Inu. Steven Cooper, CEO of Bigger Entertainment and the guy behind several high-profile Shiba burn campaigns, a anunțat that he had severed ties with the canine-themed meme currency community and left the burn project.

Cooper was initially involved with Shiba Inu, but when he disagreed with the developers, he left the group. Now, Cooper desires no more involvement. He even claims that he and his firm were targets of a defamation campaign.

The rhetoric surrounding Shiba Inu’s developer community intensifies as head developer Shytoshi Kusama faces anger after removing “genetics,” which community members expected to aid in the token’s growth.

In conclusion, McCurry’s dismissive comments on Shiba Inu and Dogecoin illustrate rising worries around meme tokens. It remains to be seen how these tokens will be received in the future. Therefore, when investing in the cryptocurrency market, investors should constantly keep in mind the possible dangers involved and the fact that there are many unknowns.

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Etichete: BlockchaindogecoinShiba Inu

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