Investitorul USDC plătește 2 milioane USD pentru a primi 0.05 USDT în încercarea de a evita accidentul

Investitorul USDC plătește 2 milioane USD pentru a primi 0.05 USDT în încercarea de a evita accidentul

Nodul sursă: 2004177

La scurt timp după ce Circle a dezvăluit asta Silicon Valley Bank nu a transferat 3.3 miliarde de dolari a monedei sale USD (USDC), piața a răspuns cu o vânzare masivă — depegging stablecoin from the U.S. dollar. However, not all investors were lucky enough to walk away with their funds amid the uncertainty.

Pentru a reduce pierderile, investitorii au început să-și vândă jetoanele USDC în schimbul altor monede stabile, cum ar fi Tether (USDT). Unfortunately, one transaction highlighted by Crypto Twitter member, BowTiedPickle, shows a USDC investor paid over $2 million to receive $0.05 of USDT.

On-chain investigations revealed that the user had stored the assets in a liquidity pool (LP) — a popular method to earn passive income in cryptocurrencies. The user could have sold his LP tokens for USDT for a 6% slippage. However, they chose to go for a “questionable ” method. As explained by BowTiedPickle:

„Sufletul nefericit a folosit routerul de agregare KyberSwap pentru a arunca un clip mare de token LP 3CRV (DAI/USDC/USDT) în USDT.”

Given the race against time, the USDC investor forgot to set his slippage, which allows investors to set an exact price of the token for the transaction to go through. He explained the nuances that eventually led to a maximal extractable value (MEV) bot netting $2.045 million in profit after paying $45 in gas and $39,000 in MEV bribes.

Crypto Twitter member BowTiedPickle provides an overview of how a USDC investor lost over $2 million. Source: Twitter

The above episode highlights how human error can result in a permanent loss of funds. While cashing out USDC for fiat or other cryptocurrencies, Cointelegraph advises investors to recheck the information and methods of transfer.

Related: Rupere: Circle dezvăluie 3.3 miliarde de dolari legate la Silicon Valley Bank

Soon after Circle confirmed that $3.3 billion was stuck with Silicon Valley Bank, a resultant sell-off of USDC caused the stablecoin’s value to drop below its $1 peg.

At the time of writing, USDC has lost over 10% of its value and trades at $0.8774.


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