tranzacții btc

Upgrade-ul Ethereum EIP-1559 a fost adoptat de 34 de ori mai repede decât Bitcoin Segwit

Adoptarea celei mai recente upgrade-uri Ethereum pare să fi depășit-o pe cea a lui Segwit de la Bitcoin prin mai mulți factori. către dezvoltatorul Yearn Finance „banteg”. Într-un tweet din 5 august, dezvoltatorul a declarat că upgrade-ul SegWit al Bitcoin a intrat în vigoare acum patru ani, pe 27 august 25, adăugând că este utilizat în prezent pentru aproximativ 2017% din tranzacțiile BTC. Sponsorizat Sponsorizat El a comparat asta cu

Titan launches actively managed crypto portfolio for US investors

United States investment adviser Titan has officially launched its new cryptocurrency offering targeting U.S. investors, giving market participants additional avenues for accessing digital assets like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH).The new product, dubbed Titan Crypto, seeks to invest in a concentrated basket of leading cryptocurrencies that can outperform over the long term, the company announced Wednesday. The portfolio will be actively managed by Titan’s dedicated crypto team and will be available to U.S. residents who reside outside of New York state.In July, Titan concluded a $58 million Series B financing

Bitcoin nu este complet interzis în China: Comisia de Arbitraj din Beijing

China has no reservation against ‘Bitcoin activities as virtual commodities,’ the Beijing Arbitration Commission (BAC) said in a report today. The report also added that the country’s laws and regulations ‘do not prohibit’ private possession and legal circulation of BTC.Bitcoin Is Not A Currency, But A ‘Virtual Commodity’Today local non-profit arbitration organization, the Beijing Arbitration Commission, pointed out in a report that Bitcoin cannot be used as a currency. It is not a legal tender and is not issued by China’s apex monetary authority.Overall, BTC doesn’t share the same legal