amprentă digitală

BitKeep lansează cele peste 7.1.5 de rețele principale (V 75), peste 15 DApps, peste 1 milion de NFT-uri acceptate.

Fiind cel mai bun portofel cripto descentralizat cu mai multe lanțuri din Asia, BitKeep oferă servicii pentru peste 6 milioane de utilizatori din întreaga lume, cu Wallet, Swap, NFT Market, DApp și Discover, toate integrate într-o singură aplicație. BitKeep, cel mai bun portofel digital multi-lanț descentralizat din Asia, integrează Wallet, Swap, NFT Market, DApp și Discover într-o singură locație. Cu o bază de utilizatori de aproape șase milioane în 168 de țări și regiuni, BitKeep a creat parteneriate strategice cu mai multe rețele principale de top 30 (inclusiv Polygon, Solana, BSC, ETH, Heco, OKChain, TRON, Fantom, WAX, IOST, AVAX, zkSync), devenind

EST Global Inc. sponsorizează CryptoNite

Washington DC. July 15, 2021. Dr. Sindhu Bhaskar, the Chairman and Founder of EST Global Inc. has sponsored CryptoNite Evening Reception during Government Blockchain Week. CryptoNite, one of the 3 Evening Receptions during Government Blockchain Week, will take place on the rooftop of the International SPY Museum. On Wednesday, September 29, CryptoNite will be a cryptocurrency party with a James Bond twist. What better way could there be to network with the finance and crypto leaders than to engage in espionage while dressed like a movie star? During a week

EST Global Inc. sponsorizează CryptoNite

Washington DC. July 15, 2021. Dr. Sindhu Bhaskar, the Chairman and Founder of EST Global Inc. has sponsored CryptoNite Evening Reception during Government Blockchain Week. CryptoNite, one of the 3 Evening Receptions during Government Blockchain Week, will take place on the rooftop of the International SPY Museum. On Wednesday, September 29, CryptoNite will be a cryptocurrency party with a James Bond twist. What better way could there be to network with the finance and crypto leaders than to engage in espionage while dressed like a movie star? During a week