guvernul SUA

Nu vă temeți de FUD

În ultima săptămână, piața cripto a fost lovită din cauza fricii, incertitudinii și îndoielii obișnuite (FUD) care înconjoară potențialul de creștere a ratei dobânzii și reglementările viitoare. Este ușor să fii absorbit de panică și să simți că cripto-ul este vizat în mod nedrept. FUD este parte integrantă a spațiului cripto și există întotdeauna o mulțime de narațiuni care însoțesc volatilitatea acestuia. În 2021, subiectul preferat a fost abordarea negativă a Chinei față de cripto. Avanză rapid până astăzi, iar minerii Bitcoin au revenit să opereze în China și

Experții discută despre finanțarea proiectelor blockchain

WASHINGTON, DC, July 18, 2022 – The Government Blockchain Association (GBA) will host a panel on Funding Blockchain Projects during their Blockchain & Infrastructure conference on September 29-30 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. “The US government wants to boost spending on blockchain technology by 1000% in 2022, and the blockchain technology market is anticipated to generate $20 billion in earnings by 2024.” said Gerard Dache, Executive Director for the Government Blockchain Association. “The members of this panel are experts in funding blockchain projects. They are recognized thought

RUPIREA: Trezoreria SUA încălcată de hackerii susținuți de guvern

Reuters reports that the US Treasury and another department fell victim to a hacker attack. Details are sketchy Reuters reports on Dec. 13 that the US Treasury Department and another US government agency responsible for internet and communications policy were hacked. The report indicates that these hackers were backed by a foreign government. will update with further details as they appear. Share Article James Hydzik is a finance and technology writer and editor based in Kyiv, Ukraine. He is especially interested in the development of regulation in the face

Economic Crisis Leaves US Government Officials in State of Confusion

The continuing economic trauma from the COVID-19 crisis has left US government officials in a state of confusion. While some argue for opening the economy, others are advocating for a complete shutdown. The lack of clear economic policy direction is becoming more and more apparent as the crisis unfolds. The difficulty appears to be the potential impact of another shutdown weighed against the continued economic stagnation from partial closures. US Economy Bleeding Out The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis President Neel Kashkari is on the side of complete closure. In