Авторитетные банки семян в США – лучшие семена марихуаны 2021 года

Исходный узел: 1852839

Cannabis seeds and the hobby of growing your own marijuana have become more prominent recently considering the Farm Bill of 2018 has helped create a boom in the cannabis or hemp industry. Because of this, there are tons of seed banks online and not all of them are trustworthy which is why it’s important to take note of the more reputable seed banks in the US.

To help you with your search, we compiled a list of 10 notable seed banks complete with everything you need to know about the product from its pros and cons, to the various discounts and features that make them stand out from the rest.

Выбор редактора

Я люблю выращивать марихуану (ILGM)

  • High-quality seeds
  • Top tier discounts
  • Бесплатная доставка

Special offer: Use coupon “Healthcanal” for 15-30% off

Check website Healthcanal.com for additional deals and coupons.

Best Marijuana Seeds and Reputable Seed Banks In The US

  1. Я люблю выращивать марихуану (ILGM) - Лучший в целом
  2. MSNL Seedbank – Best Speed Shipping
  3. Обрезка King Семена – Best Global Shipping
  4. Семена конопли Квебека – Best Promos
  5. сеятель – Best Cannabis Seed Variety
  6. Семена трав – Best Convenience
  7. Weed Seed Express – Best Newcomer
  8. Горилла Seed Bank – Best Reliability
  9. Сид Высший – Best Crypto Choice
  10. Семена амстердамской марихуаны – Best Guaranteed Delivery

1. I Love Growing Marijuana – Best Overall



  • Несколько вариантов оплаты
  • Хорошие скидки
  • 100% germination rate


Click here to get the best deal on I Love Growing Marijuana…

Ссылка на оригинального автора. Нажмите здесь, чтобы прочитать полную версию.

Cannabis seeds and the hobby of growing your own marijuana have become more prominent recently considering the Farm Bill of 2018 has helped create a boom in the cannabis or hemp industry. Because of this, there are tons of seed banks online and not all of them are trustworthy which is why it’s important to take note of the more reputable seed banks in the US.

To help you with your search, we compiled a list of 10 notable seed banks complete with everything you need to know about the product from its pros and cons, to the various discounts and features that make them stand out from the rest.

Выбор редактора

Я люблю выращивать марихуану (ILGM)

  • High-quality seeds
  • Top tier discounts
  • Бесплатная доставка

Special offer: Use coupon “Healthcanal” for 15-30% off

Check website Healthcanal.com for additional deals and coupons.

Best Marijuana Seeds and Reputable Seed Banks In The US

  1. Я люблю выращивать марихуану (ILGM) - Лучший в целом
  2. MSNL Seedbank – Best Speed Shipping
  3. Обрезка King Семена – Best Global Shipping
  4. Семена конопли Квебека – Best Promos
  5. сеятель – Best Cannabis Seed Variety
  6. Семена трав – Best Convenience
  7. Weed Seed Express – Best Newcomer
  8. Горилла Seed Bank – Best Reliability
  9. Сид Высший – Best Crypto Choice
  10. Семена амстердамской марихуаны – Best Guaranteed Delivery

1. I Love Growing Marijuana – Best Overall



  • Несколько вариантов оплаты
  • Хорошие скидки
  • 100% germination rate


Click here to get the best deal on I Love Growing Marijuana…

Ссылка на источник

Source: https://mmpconnect.com/reputable-seed-banks-in-the-us-best-marijuana-seeds-2021/

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