Кошмар Resident Evil Village продолжается с Крисом Редфилдом с головой младенца

Исходный узел: 859884

Резидентская Деревня Зла

Remember the modder who put the head of Resident Evil Village's Chris Redfield onto a baby’s body?

No? Then let us jog your memory. Go on. Stare at that picture till your eyes bleed. We’ll wait. You’re back? Great. Now prepare yourself for the second course. The very same modder, JTegh, has created a mod for the PC version of Резидентская Деревня Зла that does the reverse.

Yes, Chris Redfield now has baby Rose’s head. He looms over you in the opening sequence with the face of a small child, making Resident Evil Village's intro level so, so, much more disturbing. He still has his voice – we can’t decide if making him speak in unintelligible baby chatter would be better or worse.


And this is only the tip of the iceberg; if the mods for Resident Evil 2 и 3 remake are anything to go by, you can expect much much more. We’ve already seen people spanking Lady Dimitrescu with a fly swatter and replacing the lycans with Teletubbies. That said, this is a game that, without any mods, lets you wield a lightsaber so maybe Capcom are on board with these modding shenanigans.

You can download the “Baby Over Chris Face” mod at Nexus Mods. 

Source: https://www.gamespew.com/2021/05/the-resident-evil-village-nightmare-continues-with-baby-headed-chris-redfield/

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