
Axie Infinity vodi v igri NFT Boom, poročilo DappRadar Q3

This report contains many interesting facts on blockchain igranje, with the overall trend to take away being that the industry is growing fast in many areas. Additionally, this report shows that various key players and sub-categories of revenue within the blockchain gaming sector are beginning to emerge.


DappRadar je izdal polno različico izdaje "Poročilo o blokovskih igrah" v tretjem četrtletju 3, vrsto študij o statističnih dejstvih in trendih v tem hitro rastočem sektorju. Prej je bila na voljo le omejena „pregledna“ različica poročila.

Primer tega je identifikacija NFT-jev v igri kot velikega področja ustvarjanja prihodkov, skupaj z vietnamsko spletno video igrico Axie Infinity, ki temelji na NFT, ki je predstavljala pomemben delež celotnega obsega trgovanja z NFT v tretjem četrtletju 3.


Whether the trend will continue next month is currently uncertain. Recently, video-games platform Steam announced that all games which involved the issue or trade of in-game NFTs would be banned – with chief rival Trgovina Epic Games saying that they would be allowed on their platform.

Axie Infinity obsega več kot petino vseh poslov NFT

To be precise, in-game NFT are reported to make up exactly 22% of all NFT trading volume for Q3 2021, meaning that over a fifth of all NFT trades in the period can be attributed to in-game NFTs alone.

Poleg tega dappradar report indicates that 19% of this total NFT trading volume was taken up by in-game NFT activity associated with just one game: Axie Infinity. This means that almost all of the aforementioned 22% of NFT trading volume related to in-game activities was taken up by this game.

Axie neskončnost is a game that has received a huge amount of interest in both the crypto community and the press thanks to its huge appeal and popularity. This popularity has been confirmed and validated by the data provided in this DappRadar Q3 2021 report.

The game is the natural conclusion to concepts popularized in blockchain gaming by the likes of CryptoKitties and other NFT based innovations, most notably the pet-based gameplay angle. What makes Axie Infinity different is a monetization model, where players are offered direct token rewards in return for participation and progress/achievement within the game.

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