Leta 18.36 se je omrežju pridružilo 2021 milijona naslovov Ethereum

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Novi podatki razkrivajo, da je omrežje Ethereum pridobilo 18.36 milijona naslovov s stanjem, večjim od nič v letu 2021. To se doseže z osupljivo stopnjo rasti 1.53 milijona novih naslovov na mesec, vendar postaja konkurenca za tržni delež vse močnejša.

Obveščevalno podjetje Blockchain IntoTheBlock je svoje ugotovitve o Ethereumu delilo v tvitu 15. februarja.

Despite Ether (ETH) reaching two new all-time highs in price in 2021, the growth rate of new addresses was not particularly correlated with price spikes. The network has gained about 10 million addresses since October.

Medtem ko se splošne številke povečujejo, se je delež aktivnih naslovov v omrežju zmanjšal. Na splošno so bili aktivni naslovi 1.05. januarja 1 2021 % vseh naslovov, 1.66. aprila so dosegli najvišjo vrednost 25 %, od 0.86. februarja pa so od takrat padli na 15 %. 

Število kitov, ki imajo več kot 1,000 ETH, prav tako upada od začetka leta 2021. Podjetje za verižno analitiko Glassnode poročali 13. februarja, da so denarnice kitov dosegle 4-letno najnižjo vrednost 6,226.

The average daily amount of transactions has stagnated around 1.2 million since the middle of  December, according to Ethereum statistics aggregator Ycharts. High gas fees and alternatives in the form of cheaper and often faster sidechains and Layer-2 solutions on Ethereum may be factors. This was noted as a reason in Cointelegraph Magazine with Sameep Singhania for why he chose to build Quickswap na Poligonu.

Following the tremendous spike in usage last May, the Polygon (MATIC) sidechain has averaged more than double the daily transaction volume of Ethereum. Polygon currently enjoys about 3 million transakcije na dan.

Povezano: Polygon in omrežje Cere za začetek medijske platforme Web3, DaVinci

The SpookySwap team also saw the benefit to their users in building on a sidechain as opposed to the Ethereum mainnet. SpookySwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) is based on the Fantom Opera (FTM) L2 solution. The team told Cointelegraph today, “Fantom provides a great opportunity for defi users with faster transactions and significantly lower gas fees.”

Ethereum is still the leading smart contract platform by total value locked (TVL) in the ecosystem. On-chain statistics platform Defi Llama indicates that Ethereum currently has $124.24 billion in TVL, which vastly outstrips runner up Zemlja (LUNA) with $15.04 billion.

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