62 oseb, aretiranih v Turčiji, domnevno povezanih z Thodex Exchange Heist

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Kmalu po začetku preiskave proti turški zloglasni kripto borzi Thodex je lokalna policija v zvezi s podjetjem prijela 62 ljudi.

Hkrati so poročila trdila, da se je ustanovitelj in izvršni direktor borze obljubil, da bo kupcem povrnil denar in se vrnil v Turčijo, da bi se soočil s pravico.

62 oseb, aretiranih v Turčiji

Kriptokrompir poročali yesterday the developments coming from Turkey in which the third-largest crypto exchange had closed its doors earlier in the week. Shortly after, the founder and CEO of the company reportedly fled the country, and some estimations asserted that he escaped with roughly $2 billion in customers’ funds.

Local authorities launched an investigation, leading to today’s arrests. The state-run Anadolu Agency poročali that the police had detained 62 people in eight cities, including Istanbul.

Kljub temu je 16 oseb ostalo na prostosti, saj je glavno državno tožilstvo izdalo naloge za pripor skupaj 78 osumljencev zaradi domnevnih povezav z borzo.


Poleg tega je policija zasegla nerazkrito količino digitalnega gradiva in dokumentov. Državni regulator finančnih kaznivih dejanj je blokiral tudi vse bančne račune s sedežem v Turčiji, ki so povezani s borzo.

Ali se ustanovitelj vrača?

Kot že omenjeno, je Faruk Fatih Ozer, izvršni direktor in ustanovitelj podjetja Thodex, pobegnil iz države z do dvema milijardama dolarjev. Odvetnik, ki je zoper Ozerja vložil kazensko ovadbo, Abdullah Usame Ceran, ga je obtožil "hude goljufije".

Vendar Bloomberg pokritost stated that Ozer had released a statement from an unknown location indicating his change of plans. In it, the notorious founder of the popular exchange reportedly said he would reimburse all customers.

Poleg tega je obljubil, da se bo vrnil v Turčijo, da se bo spopadel s pravico. Kljub temu Ozer ni navedel natančnega datuma, ko namerava storiti kar koli.

This disturbing news for Turkish crypto investors comes amid the country’s attempts to reduce cryptocurrencies’ alleged involvement in illicit activities. Earlier this month, the government je dejal it would ban users from employing digital assets as payment instruments starting from April 30th.

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Všeč vam je tudi:

Vir: https://cryptopotato.com/62-people-arrested-in-turkey-allegedly-connected-to-the-thodex-exchange-heist/

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