7 nasvetov za vodenje seje programiranja v paru med razgovorom za službo

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It’s a conversation, not a quiz, and candidates should look for opportunities to show off coding and communication skills.

programiranje v parih razvijalcev programske opreme

Slika: GettyImages/San Francisco Chronicle/Hearst Newspapers

Timsko delo in sodelovanje sta pomembnejša kot kdaj koli prej, saj se delo na daljavo razvija v hibridno delo. Podjetja iščejo načine, kako najeti razvijalce, ki imajo odlične veščine kodiranja in komunikacije. Programiranje v paru je eden od načinov za testiranje obeh.  

Vsebina razvijalca mora biti prebrana

If the interview process includes a session working with an existing employee, it’s crucial to understand the do’s and don’ts. Employers want to see how a candidate will fit into the team in addition to measuring a variety of skills.

Jonathan Fernández, višji svetovalec razvijalec pri ThoughtWorks, je dejal, da je cilj programiranja v paru, da zaposleni in kandidat za zaposlitev sodelujeta pri reševanju težave, ne pa da kandidat reši težavo.

"Misunderstanding this point can lead the candidate to making important design decisions without having a constructive talk about the topic beforehand, or even introducing additional complexity to the exercise just to exhibit knowledge about a specific feature of the language,” he said. 

Sachin Gupta, izvršni direktor HackerEarth, je dejal, da delodajalci merijo te sposobnosti med sejo programiranja v paru:

  • Spretnosti reševanja problemov: Ali je bila oseba sposobna razumeti problem, ga razdeliti na podprobleme in nato najti rešitve?
  • Kakovost kodiranja: Ali je oseba napisala čisto in lahko razumljivo kodo?
  • Pravilnost kode: Ali je koda zajemala vse običajne scenarije?
  • Komunikacijske veščine: Ali je bila oseba namenjena odpravljanju napak v različnih scenarijih, pogovoru o kompleksnosti kode kot približku za pisanje optimalne kode, stresnem testu in optimizaciji kode?
  • Sposobnost za učenje: Ali se oseba zdi pripravljena in sposobna učenja na delovnem mestu?

“Some of the more progressive interview processes have these competencies as a rubric and each interviewer evaluates each competency and gives a rating, which they used to determine overall — reject, weak accept, or strong accept,” he said.

SEE: 13 tehnoloških delovnih mest olajša iskanje nove zaposlitve, ne glede na to, ali želite delati od doma ali ne (TechRepublic)

Fernández said pair programming sessions are meant to illustrate a person’s communication skills overall.

“Asking the right questions about corner cases, being able to explain the trade-offs of one design over another, or using simple examples to illustrate complex concepts are good indicators,” Fernández said. 

Here are four do’s and three don’ts for navigating pair programming.

Kako narediti dober vtis

Delodajalci med sejami programiranja v paru merijo tako tehnične spretnosti kot tudi mehke veščine. Uspešni kandidati bodo lahko pokazali splošne sposobnosti kodiranja in sposobnost timskega dela. 

  1. Pojasnite miselni proces, ki stoji za vašimi odločitvami.
  2. Upoštevajte berljivost, vzdržljivost in razširljivost.
  3. Sprejmite konstruktivno kritiko elegantno.
  4. Pokažite, da se lahko učite in ste del ekipe.

Fernandez je zapisal v nedavni objavi v spletnem dnevniku da bi morali razvijalci med razgovorom razmisliti o tem, kako ponazoriti svoje sposobnosti berljivosti, vzdržljivosti in razširljivosti.

“Although we don’t take specific measures during the pairing session, we expect the candidate to apply well-known development patterns (SOLID, YAGNI, KISS, etc.) and good practices (test-driven development) to achieve this, and we also love to talk about when and why you should apply them when coding,” he said.

Drug pomemben element procesa je skupno upravljanje naprej in nazaj pri pisanju kode ter sposobnost sprejeti konstruktivno kritiko in jo ponuditi med istim pogovorom. Kandidati za zaposlitev bi morali biti sposobni sprejeti kritiko kode, ne da bi jo vzeli osebno, in se počutiti udobno, ko postavljajo težka vprašanja med sejo programiranja v paru, je dejal Fernández. 

“To push back on a solution with empathy and with logical reasoning before the implementation will lead to a discussion that could save a lot of time and will help ensure the pair fully understand the implications of the change,” he said. 

Podjetja iščejo tudi razvijalce, ki lahko upoštevajo več uporabnikov, odvisno od naloge, ki jo opravljajo. 

“Sometimes you need to put yourself in the position of the final user, sometimes you need to think like the one who is paying for the infrastructure, or the one who is taking care of the security of the platform,” Fernández said. “Doing that, at the same time you are pairing, and explaining to your pair what kind of hat you are wearing in a specific moment, is a really good skill.”

Don’t make these mistakes 

In addition to looking for specific skills, employers are also watching for warning signs that an individual would not be a good fit for the team. Fernández said that red flags could be technical, such as a lack of testing skills or misalignment in a candidate’s values around work culture, like not giving strong enough value to diversity in the workplace. 

Ožji seznam napak izgleda takole:

  1. Don’t jump straight to the right answer–show your work.
  2. Ne bojte se postavljati vprašanj.
  3. Don’t exaggerate your skills.

Gupta je dejal, da delodajalci pazijo na kakršno koli napačno predstavljanje, kot so ljudje, ki trdijo, da so nekaj naredili, vendar tega ne morejo utemeljiti z dokazi o delu.

“Rigidity in thought is another one; this typically demonstrates that they may not be open to learning from their mistakes,” he said.

Gupta je tudi dejal, da bi morali kandidati postavljati vprašanja anketarju.

“People are hesitant to ask clarifying questions, the boundary conditions, or the corner cases,” he said. “As a result, they come up with a response based on their own assumptions, which might differ from the interviewer’s assumptions.” 

Gupta je tudi priporočal iterativni pristop k problemu, namesto da bi optimalno rešitev identificirali v prvem posnetku.

 “An interviewer expects the candidate to show how they are approaching the problem, how they are thinking through it, and how they landed at the solution, and not just if they know the solution,” he said.

Glejte tudi

Vir: https://www.techrepublic.com/article/7-tips-for-navigating-a-pair-programming-session-during-a-job-interview/#ftag=RSS56d97e7

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