Biden se ukvarja s kripto industrijo, podpira načrt za obdavčitev

Izvorno vozlišče: 1016701

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  • The Biden Administration backed a tax amendment that appears to target the DeFi sector.
  • A final vote on the amendment is expected Tuesday.

Presenetljivo je, da je Bidnova uprava podprla spremembo velikega zakona v ameriškem senatu, ki bi širok segment kripto industrije podvrgel težkim ali celo nemogočim obveznostim poročanja o davkih.

The amendment in question, put forward by Senators Rob Portman (R-Oh) and Mark Warner (D-Va), would provide an exemption from the tax reporting obligation but only to validators and developers who worked on proof-of-work (PoW) networks—effectively favoring Bitcoin over other networks that use dokazilo o vložku (PoS) and other consensus mechanisms.

The final fate of the pair of crypto amendments is still in flux, however, as Sen. Lummis said a vote—which was expected to take place on Thursday night—will now likely come on Saturday.

Medtem ko zamuda daje kripto industriji kratko obdobje za mobilizacijo proti Portmanovemu amandmaju, bo Bidenovo potrdilo, ki je prišlo v izjavi Bele hiše, težje premagati.

The Portman amendment, and the Biden Administration’s endorsement of it, blind-sided the crypto industry, which had earlier on Thursday been in a celebratory mood after an earlier amendment—proposed by Senators Ron Wyden (D-Or), Pat Toomey (R-Pa), and Cynthia Lummis (R-Wy)—appeared on the cusp of passing.

Toomeyjev predlog bi široko kategorijo rudarjev in razvijalcev kripto izvzel iz števila "posrednikov", ki morajo poročati o davčnih obveznostih strank. Besedilo obeh predlaganih sprememb lahko preberete v ta tvit.

Portman’s proposal to include only PoW projects within the exemption is unpopular in the crypto industry because many projects in the decentralized finance (Defi) space do not, and often cannot, identify their customers so making them subject to tax reporting could force them to shut down or leave the U.S.

Nekateri so predlagano da je Portmanov načrt "napad na DeFi", medtem ko je Wyden opozoriti da bi škodovalo podnebju z dajanjem prednosti energetsko najbolj intenzivnemu segmentu kriptovalut in škodilo tudi inovacijam.

Ryan Selkis, the founder of research firm Messari, suggested that crypto opponents in the U.S. government were pursuing an even more cynical plan. Namely, he claimed their plan is to cripple the industry by banning PoS networks (like Ethereum will soon be) on compliance grounds, and then attack Bitcoin by means of environmental policy:

Medtem ko so mnogi v kripto svetu izrazili zgražanje ali obup nad četrtkovim razvojem dogodkov, so se nekateri obljubili izpodbijati zakon na sodišču, če Portmanov amandma mine, ali pa se ga izognite pisanje small bits of PoW code into PoW projects.

The controversy over the rival crypto amendments came as part of a much larger process in the U.S. Senate, which is working to pass a bipartisan infrastructure bill in the next few days. While the bill is focused on things like roads and bridges, it affects the crypto industry because of a requirement that Congress must explain how they will pay for various projects—in this case, the Senators have stated they will zbrati 28 milijarde dolarjev of the bill’s $550 billion price tag by collecting more tax from crypto.

As the debate over the crypto amendment moves to a finale on Saturday, influential players in the crypto industry have already begun putting out statements warning of the consequences if the Portman-Warner plan goes forward. Those include the venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, which has bet heavily on the crypto industry:

"Če bo sprememba zakona o infrastrukturi v zadnjem trenutku, ki jo je predstavil senator Warner, sprejeta, bo to za Ameriko osupljiva izguba in naša sposobnost, da ostanemo svetovni epicenter inovacij. Predlagana sprememba nepremišljeno nalaga neprimerno zahtevo poročanja na plečih razvijalcev programske opreme in potrditeljev veriženja blokov v verigi dokazov, "je v izjavi zapisalo podjetje.


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