Bidnov kandidat za najvišjega bančnega regulatorja želi končati bančništvo, kot ga poznamo

Izvorno vozlišče: 1105042

President Biden’s pick for Comptroller of the Currency is quite the anti-capitalist.

Cornell University law professor Saule Omarova, who proposed ‘ending banking as we know it,’ and that radical change to the system would make the institution ‘more inclusive, efficient and stable,’ je bil pod ognjem nad njenimi skrajnimi pogledi.

Saule Omarova leta 201

“Until I came to the US, I couldn’t imagine that things like gender pay gap still existed in today’s world. Say what you will about old USSR, there was no gender pay gap there. Market doesn’t always ‘know best,’” Omarova tweeted in 2019, adding (after receiving harsh criticism) “I never claimed women and men were treated absolutely equally in every facet of Soviet life. But people’s salaries were set (by the state) in a gender-blind manner. And all women got very generous maternity benefits. Both things are still a pipe dream in our society!”

What’s more, Omarova podpira več naprednih predlogov – including the Green New Deal, and the creation of a giant bureaucracy she dubbed the Nacionalni organ za naložbe, which would – among other things – coordinate the long term economic strategy for the United States with upcoming infrastructure developments, according to the Brezplačni svetilnik v Washingtonu. It would also manage a “big and bold” climate agenda.

The authority would have a congressionally approved governing board and regional offices across the country. In addition to developing roads, bridges, and other traditional infrastructure projects, the authority would fund affordable housing, public transit, and clean energy projects, as well as “climate change mitigation solutions,” Omarova povedal Kongresu to leto. - Brezplačni svetilnik

Kot Wall Street Journal editorial board notes, “Gospa Omarova meni, da bi cene sredstev, plačne lestvice, kapital in kredite morala narekovati zvezna vlada. In two papers, she has advocated expanding the Federal Reserve’s mandate to include the price levels of “systemically important financial assets” as well as worker wages. As they like to say at the modern university, from each according to her ability to each according to her needs.”

V nedavnem dokumentu "The People's Ledger," predlagala je, da Federal Reserve prevzame potrošniške bančne vloge, »dejansko 'konča bančništvo', kot ga poznamo,« in postala »najboljša javna platforma za ustvarjanje, moduliranje in dodeljevanje finančnih virov v sodobnem gospodarstvu«. Želela bi tudi, da bi ZDA ustvarile digitalno valuto centralne banke – kot to počneta Venezuela in Kitajska— da bi »preoblikovali naš finančni sistem in spremenili Fedovo bilanco stanja v pravo 'Ljudsko knjigo',« je tvitnila to poletje. Kaj bi lahko šlo narobe? -WSJ

Omarova also wants to create a “Public Interest Council” of “highly paid” academics ki bi imel moč sodnih pozivov nad regulativnimi agencijami, vključno s Fed.

V svojih prejšnjih dneh je Omarova delala v ministrstvu za finance Busheve administracije.

As Washington Free Beacon ugotavlja, Omarova’s policies have won her accolades from prominent progressive lawmakers and special interest groups. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) said Omarova’s nomination was “tremendous news.” The Sierra Club said Omarova would help the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency fight against “climate chaos” and set up “guardrails against Wall Street’s risky fossil fuel investments.”

Zanimivo je, Wall Street Journal poroča da Biden je imenoval gospo Omarovo kljub ugovorom ministrice za finance Janet Yellen, ki mu poroča nadzornik. Ena od teorij, ki jih predlagajo za to bizarno nominacijo, je, da gospod Biden poskuša pomiriti progresivce, ker namerava ponovno imenovati Jeroma Powella za predsednika Feda.


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