Call of Duty: popravek Warzone razburja nove premočne pištole v igri

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Call of Duty: War cone’s new Sykov pistols have been overpowered since the moment they arrived in the game. Thankfully, developer Raven Software is stepping in with a massive nerf in the game’s latest patch to help make them a little less dominant.

The patch specifically takes aim at the Sykov’s litany of powerful attachments, nerfing them directly and their combinations. The Sorokin 140mm Auto attachment now has great hip-fire spread, the Akimbo option reduces movement speed by 5%, and the 80-round drum attachment reduces movement speed by 5% and reduces the aim-down sight movement speed by 7%. While all these should be impactful, the biggest nerf was to the combination of the 80-round drum and Sorokin 140mm Auto attachments which now reduce the Sykov’s damage by 25% when they’re used together.

This smattering of Sykov nerfs are some of the most aggressive balance changes that have ever been introduced in Vojno območje, but the weapon was strong enough to warrant it. In fact, it’s tough to tell if these changes will even be enough to keep them out of the meta, but they’re a good start at least.

Vojno območje’s latest patch also brings a nerf to the RC-XD remote-controlled explosive car, a change that players have been asking for recently. Rather than being able to pick up the RC-XD at any Buy Station, players can now only find them in Containment Monitors.

For a look at everything that changed in Monday’s Call of Duty: War cone update, you can check out the polne opombe.

Opombe o popravkih Call of Duty: Warzone za 19. april


  • RC-XD je bil odstranjen iz nakupovalnih postaj in je zdaj na voljo samo prek zadrževalnih monitorjev.
  • Odpravljena je težava, zaradi katere igralci niso mogli opremiti oklepnih plošč po aktiviranju določenih Killstreaks ali Field Upgrades.
  • Projektili Containment Protocol ne bodo več pristali v igralnem prostoru.
  • Projektilim Containment Protocol so zmanjšali glasnost zvočnih učinkov.
  • Odpravljena je napaka, zaradi katere so Loadout Drops blokirali gibanje in izstrelke, potem ko se zaboj zruši.
  • King Slayer Trios – Gas Circle se ne bo več premaknil popolnoma izven igralnega območja.


  • Swatt Master Blueprint zdaj pravilno prikazuje ikono Electric Dismemberment.


  • Odpravljena je napaka z daljnogledom Modern Warfare Sniper Scope in Variable Zoom Scope, kjer nista prikazovala bleščanja.
  • Odpravljena je napaka z ugodnostmi orožja Modern Warfare, kjer niso imele predvidenih učinkov.
  • Odpravljena je napaka z namerilnim križem Bullseye, ki je včasih povzročil težave s hitrostjo sličic ali izginotje elementov uporabniškega vmesnika.
  • Sorokin 140mm Auto (Sykov)

Hip spread increased

  • Akimbo (Sykov)

Movement speed reduced by 5%

  • 80 Round Drums (Sykov)

Movement speed reduced by 5%

ADS movement speed reduced by 7%

  • Pri opremljanju Sykova s ​​140 mm avtomatom Sorokin in 80 okroglimi bobni se škoda zmanjša za 25 %.


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