Cardano ($ADA) začasno podvoji nagrade Bug Bounty za povečanje varnosti omrežja

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The Cardano Foundation, an independent Swiss not-for-profit organization overseeing the advancement of Cardano ($ADA) and its ecosystem, has temporarily doubled the rewards offered in its bug bounty program in an effort to further boost the network’s security.

Po update on HackerOne, bug bounty rewards have been doubled for a total of six weeks ending March 25, 2022, with the largest potential bounty being $20,000 for critical vulnerabilities affecting Cardano nodes.

Other vulnerabilities affecting nodes may grant white hath ackers rewards between $10,000 and $800. On the other hand, vulnerabilities affecting Cardano wallets, can offer rewards ranging from $500 to $15,000 for exploits deemed critical.

Fundacija Cardano je podrobno pojasnila, da morajo hekerji zagotoviti podrobna poročila s ponovljivimi koraki, da so upravičeni do teh nagrad. Fundacija je v svoji posodobitvi zapisala, da se "se veseli sodelovanja z varnostno skupnostjo, da bi odkrili varnostne ranljivosti, da bi ohranili varnost naših podjetij in strank."

Program, je dodal, je namenjen "okrepitvi blagovne znamke Cardano", hkrati pa pokriva "bistvene elemente za dostop in upravljanje kripto sredstev, ki so izdana v verigi blokov Cardano".

Kot poroča CryptoGlobe, je Cardano Foundation launched its bug bounty program for ethical hackers in September of last year with the hacker-powered security firm HackerOne to look for vulnerabilities in the project’s blockchain.

Bug bounty rewards are a popular way for organizations to invite ethical hackers in to work with them and get rewarded for helping make their products and services safer and have been growing in the cryptocurrency space. In 2018, cryptocurrency-related bug bounties netted hackers nearly $900,000. This year alone, a security researcher who fixed a critical vulnerability on Ethereum layer-two scaling solution was awarded a $2 million bounty.

The stakes for Cardano have also been growing along with its network. As reported, the number of addresses holding ADA has kept on rising in January to hit a new 4.53 million all-time high as monthly transactions on the cryptocurrency’s network also kept on growing.

These addresses have now conducted over 30 million transactions, while the number of smart contracts deployed on the network went over 1,000 prvič letos.

Razvijalec Cardano Input Output je predlagal povečanje velikosti bloka omrežja za 11 % from 72 KB to 80 KB after network load surged above 90% with the launch of a popular DeFi platform SundaeSwap. Cardano’s network load peaked above 90% after SundawSwap’s launch while the skupna vrednost, zaklenjena na njem, je poskočila čez 9,000 %.

Pogledi in mnenja, ki jih je izrazil avtor ali osebe, omenjene v tem članku, so zgolj informativne narave in ne predstavljajo finančnega, naložbenega ali drugega nasveta. Pri vlaganju v kriptoasete ali trgovanju z njimi obstaja tveganje finančne izgube.

Predstavljena slika prek pixabay

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