Cardano se približuje uvajanju pametnih pogodb z novim testnetom

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IOHK, ekipa za razvoj verig blokov v verigi Cardano, je 15. julija sporočila, da se je projektna testna mreža Alonzo uradno preusmerila iz modre v belo, s čimer je prinesla dolgo pričakovano širitev ekosistema na funkcionalne pametne pogodbe.

Medtem ko je prejšnja testnet, known as Alonzo Blue, did offer some smart contract features, these were only available to a limited number of insiders. Yesterday’s upgrade will allow about 500 validators, stake pool operators, and developers to test these features going forward.

Alonzo White naj bi deloval dva do štiri tedne, preden nadgradi na končno testno mrežo za svojo trenutno razvojno fazo, znano kot Alonzo Purple.

Kljub nekaterim nedavnim reakcijo from others in the blockchain community, Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson recently said in a YouTube video that everything is still on track according to the project’s development roadmap, noting that more than $10 million in NFTs have been sold throughout the Cardano network along with “tens of thousands of assets”. Once Alonzo White is released to the mainnet, developers will be able to launch dApps, NFTs and more.

On the heels of the Alonzo White announcement, an NFT and DeFi Marketplace called the Spores Network razglasitve a successful $2.3 million fundraise on July 16. The company stated that it hopes to leverage Cardano’s lower transaction costs, lower carbon footprints, and higher transaction throughput to bring NFTs to mainstream users.

Povezano: Švicarska banka, ki je izdala delnice NFT v Picassovem slikarstvu za 6 tisoč dolarjev

With more companies and artists joining the growing NFT market, such as Dolce in Gabbana in a fantazijski nogomet platform, bringing more NFTs to the network could lead to big gains for Cardano and its users.


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