Spletni butik ClearAngel Funds Plus velikosti na novo Vi z 10,000 USD…

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Julie Saint-Fleur, Founder, Newly You LLC

“Life has its ups and downs. We are not defined by what happened to us but how we react to those experiences,” said Saint-Fleur. “I’m thrilled that ClearAngel understands our values and sees the business potential in Newly You.”

Clearco, največji vlagatelj v e-poslovanje na svetu in podjetje, ki je revolucioniralo način, kako ustanovitelji razvijajo svoja podjetja, je danes sporočilo, da ClearAngel program financira Newly You, a plus-size online boutique based in Florida. The ClearAngel program provides early-stage founders with access to revenue share capital, data-driven advice, and Clearco’s extensive network of apps, agencies, and investors.

Newly You was born out of a tragic moment in founder Julie Saint-Fleur’s life. In 2016, Saint-Fleur, also known as “Ju the Superhuman,” suffered third degree burns on 33 percent of her body due to a mass shooting at a nightclub. Instead of letting this tragedy break her spirit, she chose to triumph over it. Calling herself a “plus-size burn survivor”, Saint-Fleur launched a plus-size clothing brand, the Survivor Line, that promotes confidence, self-love, and triumph after tragedies. The online boutique now offers a wide variety of fashion merchandise, ranging from clothing, beauty products, shoes, to accessories, and aims to double its direct-to-consumer revenue with ClearAngels’ funding.

ClearAngel je ena redkih prilagodljivih kapitalskih možnosti brez lastniškega kapitala za ustanovitelje v zgodnji fazi, ki nimajo mreže za dvig angelskega kroga ali pridružitev ekskluzivnim pospeševalnikom. Program je od začetka februarja 350 financiral že več kot 2021 podjetij.

“We’re very proud to invest in Newly You and support its mission,” said Andrew D’Souza, CEO and co-founder, Clearco. “Julie’s success not only demonstrates her business acumen, but also shows her courageous and positive attitude towards life. This investment reflects our continuous support for diverse female entrepreneurship amongst founders who are frequently locked out of traditional venture capital.”

Supplementary to the flexible capital, Newly You will also get access to a network of more than 500 investors, growth teams, agencies, apps, lawyers, and buyers; and data-driven advice designed to help scale and hit new revenue milestones.

“Life has its ups and downs. We are not defined by what happened to us but how we react to those experiences,” said Saint-Fleur. “I’m thrilled that ClearAngel understands our values and sees the business potential in Newly You.”

To learn more about Newly You, LLC and its plus-size fashion, visit newlyyou.us.

ClearAngel trenutno uvaja podjetja za e-trgovino in izdelke ter ima na voljo omejena mesta za SaaS, aplikacije, tržnice in prikrita podjetja. Če želite izvedeti več o prijavi, obiščite angel.clearbanc.com.

O podjetju Clearco:

Kot Clearbanc so leta 2015 ustanovili Michele Romanow iz kanadskega Shark Tank (Dragons 'Den), Andrew D'Souza, Ivan Gritsiniak, Charlie Feng in Tanay Delima, Clearco pa ponuja najbolj utemeljene kapitalske rešitve za e-poslovanje, mobilne aplikacije in ustanovitelji SaaS ter celoten nabor izdelkov in dostop do močnega globalnega omrežja, vpogledov in podatkov ter priporočil. Clearco je do danes vložil več kot 2 milijardi dolarjev v več kot 4,500 podjetij, med drugim Leesa Sleep, modno izposojevalnico Le Tote, podjetje za blago za dom, Javne dobrine, izdelovalca srajc UNTUCKit, spletno logopedsko prakso Expressable in digitalno tržnico nepremičnin SetSchedule. Za več informacij obiščite clear.co in @getClearco.

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Source: https://www.prweb.com/releases/clearangel_funds_plus_size_online_boutique_newly_you_with_10_000_investment/prweb18241927.htm

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