Coinbase beži pred regulativnimi zatiranjem z vzpostavitvijo platforme za kripto trgovanje v tujini

Coinbase beži pred regulativnimi zatiranjem z vzpostavitvijo platforme za kripto trgovanje v tujini

Izvorno vozlišče: 2015946
  1. Coinbase plans to set up a crypto trading platform outside the US due to regulatory pressures.
  2. The move allows Coinbase to continue offering services while avoiding US regulatory hurdles.
  3. Coinbase discussing the move with institutional clients suggests a potential expansion to new markets.

Coinbase’s decision to set up a crypto trading platform outside the United States reflects the increasing regulatory pressures that have been mounting on the company and the industry as a whole. In recent months, U.S. regulators have been scrutinizing crypto companies for their perceived role in the failure of several banks. This has led to increased regulatory hurdles that have made it difficult for crypto firms to operate in the United States.

As a result, many companies are looking to expand their operations outside of the country, and Coinbase is no exception. The move to set up a non-U.S. platform is seen as a way for Coinbase to continue to offer its services to its clients while avoiding the regulatory pressures in the United States.

Glede na Bloomberg poročilo, Coinbase has discussed the move with some of its institutional clients. This suggests that the company is looking to bring its services to more clients and potentially tap into new markets.

Despite the regulatory challenges, Coinbase appears to be doubling down on its staking program, offering rewards for cryptocurrency holders. The company issued a notice to users in March that its staking program would continue despite the crackdown and may even increase. This suggests that Coinbase is confident in the long-term prospects of the crypto industry and is willing to weather the short-term regulatory storm to continue to offer innovative products and services to its clients.

V drugih novicah, the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) has approved Signum Digital’s security token offering (STO) and subscription platform.

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Tags: BitcoinCrypto trgcryptocurrency

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Dežela kripto novic ( , skrajšano tudi »CNL«, je neodvisen medijski subjekt – nismo povezani z nobenim podjetjem v industriji blokovnih verig in kriptovalut. Naš cilj je zagotoviti svežo in ustrezno vsebino, ki bo pomagala zgraditi kriptoprostor, saj verjamemo v njen potencial, da vpliva na svet na bolje. Vsi naši viri novic so verodostojni in točni, kot vemo, čeprav ne jamčimo glede veljavnosti njihovih izjav in njihovih motivov za njimi. Čeprav skrbimo za dvojno preverjanje verodostojnosti informacij iz naših virov, ne dajemo nobenih zagotovil glede pravočasnosti in popolnosti kakršnih koli informacij na našem spletnem mestu, kot jih zagotavljajo naši viri. Poleg tega zavračamo vse informacije na naši spletni strani kot naložbene ali finančne nasvete. Vse obiskovalce spodbujamo, da opravijo lastno raziskavo in se posvetujejo s strokovnjakom za ustrezno temo, preden sprejmejo kakršno koli naložbeno ali trgovalno odločitev.

José je kripto navdušenec, ki trguje s kripto noč in dan. Svoje trgovalne zgodbe in izkušnje rad deli v vseh svojih objavljenih člankih. José se rad druži in potuje, da bi spoznal nove prijatelje. Uživa v sušiju, vodki in tekili.

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