"Znižani" Bitcoin je bolj verjetno, da bo leta 100 dosegel 20 tisoč dolarjev kot 2021 tisoč dolarjev, pravi analitik Bloomberga

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Despite a massive drawdown in May, the Bitcoin (BTC) bull market appears to be intact, with a $100,000 price target more likely than a retrace to $20,000, according to Mike McGlone, Bloomberg’s senior commodity strategist. 

$20,000 or $100,000 in 2021?

The June edition of the Bloomberg Galaxy Crypto Index report described Bitcoin as “stronger, greener and less extended” than during the height of the rally in April. For that reason, the flagship digital currency is more likely to reach the coveted six-figure mark this year than incur a deeper correction back down to 2017 highs.

McGlone cited an overextended rally, Chinese restrictions and unwarranted focus on Bitcoin’s energy use as the primary catalysts for the May correction, which included a more than 50% drawdown peak-to-trough.

“Bitcoin’s 2021 Foundation Is FIrm,” McGlone Napisal, pri čemer dodaja:

"Proti koncu leta 2020 je zgodovina Bitcoinov nakazovala, da se bo kripto leta 2021 močno dvignil, in za to vidimo izboljšano podporo."

Nadaljeval je:

„Leta 2020 se je 260-dnevna volatilnost znižala na najnižjo doslej v primerjavi z večino glavnih razredov premoženja, zlasti S&P 500. Dodajte lansko zmanjšanje ponudbe, selitev v institucionalne portfelje, Ethereum terminske pogodbe in uvedbo ETF v Kanadi in Evropi ter vidimo večji potencial, da se Bitcoin usmeri proti 100,000 USD, kot da bi se ohranil pod 20,000 USD. "

Analitiki ostajajo razdeljeni

Still, analysts are divided about BTC’s trajectory in the short- to intermediate-term timeframes. Several theorists are forecasting a retest of its 2017 high, with at least one classic indicator predicting a bottom of around $16,000. Others, such as on-chain analyst Willy Woo, have said that BTC’s bottom is likely in thanks to improving network fundamentals and higher adoption rates.

Veteran trgovec Peter Brandt je špekulirajo that the worst of the BTC price correction may not be over, but he Rekel his Twitter followers that it’s not wise to bail if they’re holding spot positions:

Cycle theorist Bob Loukas believes there’s a good chance that BTC’s price bottomed last month, but he did warn of an intermediate downtrend over the next 60 days. “Intermediate trend is now down,” Loukas tweeted on May 27. “But secular bull trend providing counter balance.”

Kljub temu je priznali potencial za negativno tveganje, ki bi izpostavilo ročico v višini 20,000 USD, pri čemer je treba opozoriti na težave pri trgovanju brez jasnega trenda.

Vir: https://cointelegraph.com/news/disccount-bitcoin-more-likely-to-hit-100k-than-20k-in-2021-says-bloomberg-analyst

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