lansira Doex Ventures za izgradnjo homogenega okolja za pogodbeno trgovanje

Izvorno vozlišče: 1299409 je pred kratkim napovedal uvedbo Doex Ventures, katerega namen je združiti uporabnike pogodbenega trgovanja za izgradnjo homogenega pogodbenega trgovalnega okolja. is one of the few crypto exchanges in the market that offers only single contract model – Perpetual Contract. It is also an innovative crypto trading platform.

Doex Ventures comes with the belief that the development of derivatives trading doesn’t rely on the operating model of a trading platform. No matter how unique the trading mechanism of DEX or CEX is, if users can not engage in the building of contracts, the operation will be unsustainable. This is one of the reasons why rolled out the "Contract Building Fund” to echo Doex Ventures’ mission.

S skladom je že začel s pilotnimi operacijami v Koreji in na Tajvanu. 
Many users have already participated in’s contract building project, with a plan to expend it to other regions in the next quarter.

Poleg sklada, ustanovljenega za pogodbeno trgovalno okolje, trgovcem ponuja varen in zanesljiv strežniški sistem trgovanja. Nedavno smo izvedli dve posodobitvi naših strežnikov.

The latest server upgrade focused on’s transaction fee mechanism and contract calculation system. Doex has reset its data sources of asset price. The current data mainly come from four leading trading platforms and an abnormal index rejection mechanism has been introduced. The custody and clearing service has also been updated to forge a better contract calculation system.

Ekipa ima bogate izkušnje na področju raziskav in razvoja ter delovanja v sektorju digitalnih valut. 

Zlasti vsi člani ekipe za kvantitativno trgovanje so veterani industrije, ki prinašajo globoko razumevanje sistemov kvantitativnega trgovanja, oblikovanja orodij, implementacije arhitekture in inovativnega razvoja izvedenih produktov. To je eden od razlogov, zakaj ima dovolj zaupanja v lasten pogodbeni sistem. je interno ustanovil "sklad za sklepanje pogodb" v višini 1 milijona dolarjev za pomoč uporabnikom, ki sodelujejo pri trgovanju in sklepanju pogodb na platformi. Platforma trenutno izvaja kampanjo s 50-odstotnimi provizijami za pogodbeno trgovanje.

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