Dogelon Mars (ELON) se je dvignil med 100 najboljših, saj meme kovanci še naprej pridobivajo na priljubljenosti

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Dogelon Mars se je povzpel med 100 najboljših kriptovalut po tržni kapitalizaciji in je v času pisanja na 98. mestu. V zadnjih 48 urah sta se tržna kapitalizacija in vrednost žetona Dogelon Mars (ELON) podražila za +56.72 % s tržno kapitalizacijo več kot 1 milijardo dolarjev v času pisanja.


This has resulted in celebration from investors thanks to the market performance but skepticism from community members and pundits. At best, they lament the entrance of another meme into the top 100 and, at worst, that the project is a scam as many people have reported not being able to sell their tokens.

Furthermore, the meteoric rise of Dogelon Mars has seen the token flipping the likes of Ontologija (ONT) and other legitimate projects with stronger fundamentals. The recent success of ELON can be attributed to a larger “meme coin” bull run which has been influenced by the fast growth of tokens such as Dogecoin (PSE).


A meme coin is an informal name used to describe cryptographic currency tokens based on their identity, branding, and project fundamentals (or lack thereof). Two of the most popular meme coins have been Dogecoin (DOGE) and Šiba Inu (SHIB) whose popularity has further skyrocketed in recent weeks. Most often, they are believed to have little-to-no substantial value beyond the hype which surrounds them.

You may have noticed a recurring naming convention so far among these ‘meme coins’. Dogecoin is named after the ‘doge’ internet meme which became famous in 2013 and the ‘doge’ meme in all its interpretations features a representation of a dog of the ‘Shiba Inu’ breed (the namesake of SHIB).

Kaj je Dogelon Mars?

Dogelon Mars in njegov uspeh sta bila podobno navdihnjena z Dogecoinom. Poleg tega Dogelon Mars sledi temu trendu, pri čemer je prva beseda v njegovem imenu preplet mema 'doge' s prvim imenom Elon Musk, druga beseda 'Mars' pa je jasna referenca na medzvezdne poslovne dejavnosti istoimenskega milijarderja. (SpaceX) in status zagovornika vesolja in raziskovanja. Elon Musk ni uradno na noben način povezan s tem projektom.

A brief look at the Dogelon website reveals that its project marketing, including on-site copy, strongly fits the classic expectations of a ‘meme coin’. Whilst it does feature important and arguably essential information such as tokenomija and metrics, they share equal screen space with a comic book and the project’s ‘about’ section which does little to attempt to appear serious.

Tukaj je izvleček iz strani »o« spletnega mesta:

»Leta 2420 se je na čudovitem rdečem marsovem pesku rodil mlad Dogelon Mars, kjer je mirno živel ob svoji družini. Skupaj sta trdo delala, da bi razvila svojo razširjeno kolonijo v središče tehnologije, ki bo prinesla blaginjo vsemu življenju po galaksiji. Ta razvoj se je nadaljeval vse do strašljivega prihoda Annihilatorjev, ki bi mladega Dogelona Marsa lovili nazaj skozi čas in prostor, kjer bi našel zatočišče na planetu Zemlja in začel novo potovanje ...

"Jaz sem Dogelon. Dogelon Mars. Pridružite se mi in skupaj bomo dosegli zvezde.”

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