
Fenerbahçejev žeton Ethereum se je ob zagonu zrušil kripto borzo 433%

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Na kratko

  • Žeton oboževalcev FB se je ob zagonu povečal za 433%.
  • Klub je v ponedeljek v predprodaji žetonov zbral 51 milijona dolarjev.

Uro po tem, ko je turška športna ekipa Fenerbahçe danes predstavila žeton navijačev na osnovi Ethereuma, se je žeton zvišal za 433%, kljub temu, da je zrušil edino centralizirano borzo, na kateri je naveden Paribu.

Glede na token’s whitepaper, Fenerbahçe Token holders can vote on minor club decisions, like naming facilities, and snag priority access to match sales. Since FB’s an ERC-20 token, its price is subject to the whims of the market, just like any other cryptocurrency.

The Istanbul club raised about 436 million lira ($51.05 million) in a presale Monday, with many investors happy to lock up tokens for nine months to secure a 50% discount.

Žeton se je danes začel trgovati na Paribu, vendar je veliko povpraševanje spletno mesto začasno podrlo. Paribu je v času pisanja, tri ure in pol po lansiranju, še vedno nedostopen. Odklenjeni žetoni, ki so jih vlagatelji kupili v ponedeljek za 30 lir, zdaj trgujejo za 160 lir (18.70 USD), kar je 433%povečanje. Doslej je borza trgovala z žetoni FB v vrednosti 150 milijonov dolarjev.

Fenerbahçe tekmuje v več športih, od atletike do namiznega tenisa, vendar je specializiran za nogomet. Klub obstaja že 114 let; Nedavno podpisana zvezdnika sta nemško-turški vezist Mesut Özil in nizozemski napadalec Robin van Persie.

FB’s supply is capped at 190,700,000, a reference to the sport club’s founding year of 1907. 61% of the total supply is reserved for the treasury, 14% for marketing the token, and 10% for tech development. The final 15% will be sold to fans. The club tudi obljube to burn tokens after major wins.

The club’s crypto contribution adds to a growing list of fan tokens, among them GAL, the fan token of Galatasaray, Fenerbahçe’s rival. GAL has a market cap of $ 41.4 milijonov and runs on, a soccer token platform run by Malta-based Chiliz.

Aydemir found that investors in fan tokens tend to buy fans tokens from lots of clubs rather than only investing in their favorite. “You wouldn’t expect fans to invest in their rival teams, but they behave more like traders,” Akar Aydemir, Paribu’s business development manager, who managed the token’s launch, told Dešifriraj.

Turške trgovce zanimajo tudi žetoni tujih navijačev. "Doživljamo tudi velik obseg trgovanja z žetoni tujih navijačev, kot je Atletico De Madrid, in verjamem, da v Turčiji ne more biti toliko navijačev tega španskega kluba," je dejal Aydemir.

Yesterday, Paris Saint-Germain announced that it had signed Lionel Messi, and would pay some of his salary in cryptocurrency fan tokens. The PSG Fan Token has since become the most traded crypto on Paribu. Bitcoin was relegated to seventh position.

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