Glassnode: 76% imetnikov Bitcoinov je še vedno v dobičku - bi morali vlagati?

Izvorno vozlišče: 886882

Bitcoin sektor trenutno doživlja največji izbris po marcu 2020. Ker je žeton v zadnjih tednih izgubil skoraj 50% vrednosti, trgovci na drobno hitijo prodati svoja imetja v primeru nadaljnjega zloma.

The recent market crash is blamed on various remarks made by major crypto players and regulatory moves in China. The sell-off has raised questions about whether the 2021 bull market is still in play. Glassnode, an on-chain analytics platform, has issued meritve for the past week that show the severity of the market correction so far. However, the data also shows a significant percentage of Bitcoin holders who are still in the profit zone.

Donosni subjekti podjetja Glassnode

V skladu z meritvami je število edinstvenih subjektov, ki so še vedno donosni, zdaj 76%. Vendar to ne pomeni, da je trg Bitcoinov še vedno v bikovski coni. Meritve kažejo tudi delež imetnikov trga, ki so kupili kovance z višjo vrednostjo in ti imetniki lahko svoje pakete odstranijo s paniko kot odziv na gibanje trga.

Glassnode groups current holders most likely to sell into three groups. The first group is coin holders sitting on losses after buying when the market was at its peak. The second category is coin holders in profit who believe the market is still performing well and miners who may sell their holdings to recover costs caused by Chinese regulations. The data also shows that the largest proportion of holders were short-termers who had bought coins within the last six months.

Vpliv kitajskih rudarskih omejitev

Rudarji niso prizaneseni nedavnim posledicam tržnega zrušitve. Omejitve rudarske industrije na Kitajskem so pritisnile na rudarje, naj kratkoročno prodajo svoje žetone. Pričakuje se, da bo panična prodaja povzročila še en zlom, kar pa kratkoročnim imetnikom, ki bodo tudi prodajali, morda ne bo uspelo, kar bo trg prisililo v še globlje medvedje pretrese.

Trenutno pa je število izkopanih in shranjenih kovancev še vedno veliko v primerjavi s številom izkopanih in prodanih kovancev. Treba je še videti, v kolikšni meri bodo rudarji začeli prodajati svoje žetone, ko bo Kitajska uvedla predlagane spremembe.

The mining restrictions in China have been devastating to the crypto ecosystem. The region is on the verge of losing its crypto dominance, given that China accounts for 70% of the global mining activities.

Želite zdaj kupiti ali trgovati z Bitcoini (BTC)? Vlagajte v eToro!

75% računov malih vlagateljev izgubi denar pri trgovanju s CFD-ji pri tem ponudniku


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