GOAT RISING: Bodite največji vseh časov

Izvorno vozlišče: 1417780

Psi so imeli svoj dan. Nehajte loviti trende iz leta 2021 in sprejmite trend iz leta 2022. Postanite Bog vseh trgovcev, postanite največji vseh časov z GoatInu — naslednjo senzacijo meme-kovancev, ki bo prevzela svet in uvedla naslednjo stopnjo v evoluciji kriptovalut. 

GoatInu, ki ga podpira ekipa z dolgoletnimi izkušnjami pri krmarjenju po prostoru meme-kovancev, je zmožen doseči tam, kjer drugim ni uspelo:

Ljubka koza? Preverite.

Izkušena ekipa? Preverite.

Trdna tokenomika? Preverite.

Primeri uporabe? Preverite.

Trdna skupnost? Preverite. 

Let’s get real for a second. The next ten-billion-dollar coins will not be born in the next bull run but right now, when the retail investors are out, and only smart money remains. It is during slow periods like now that strong communities are born, communities that support their projects to the moon and beyond. 

Ekipa, ki stoji za GoatInu, se zaveda tega dejstva in je zasnovala projekt, ki se bo osredotočil na ustvarjanje najmočnejše skupnosti na BSC. GoatInu bo za BSC to, kar je bil Shiba Inu za Ethereum v zadnjem dvoboju. 

Goat Squad, ki ga poganja skupnost, bo poganjal mehanizem za meme GoatInu, ga vzdrževal in poskrbel, da navdušenje nikoli ne zamre. Ekipa bo podprla Goat Squad z robustno pogodbo o deflacijskem žetonu, ki jo bo revidiral CertiK. Tam bodo vložki, tako da bodo hodlerji nagrajeni s pasivnim dohodkom, medtem ko bodo sodelovali z drugimi člani skupnosti, da bi GoatInu pognali na luno. 

One of GoatInu’s goals is to promote and support animal welfare and fight against animal abuse. GoatInu will be adopting goats to bring attention to the issue of animal abuse and get the discussion going. Maggie, the cute and adorable pygmy goat, will be the first of our adopted mascots. The Goat Squad will rally behind Maggie to bring meaningful and actionable discourse to the issue of animal rights and make the world a better place for everyone on the planet. 

But wait, there’s more. The team has planned even more utilities for the GoatInu ecosystem with their exclusive and unique generative NFTs. The GoatInu NFTs will be more than just cute blockchain collectibles — the team plans to implement several usecases for them that include access to special features and exclusive benefits details of which will be revealed in due time. 

Žeton GoatInu bo imel razumen 7-odstotni davek na trgovanje — 2 % gre za trženje, 2 % za razvoj projekta in 3 % se zažgejo, zaradi česar je žeton GoatInu hiperdeflacijski. Začetna ponudba v času nastanka žetonov bo 1,000,000,000,000.  

Don’t miss out on the hype-train. Get in on the ground floor and be a part of the next 10-billion-dollar project. For more information, please visit our website and socials at:

Spletna stran: https://www.goat-inu.com
telegram:  https://t.me/goatbsc
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/Goatinubsc
Neskladje: https://discord.com/invite/e3FDjMFJ

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Norski Goa


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