GOLD tehnični pregled ta teden

Izvorno vozlišče: 873105

Gold has strengthened in the last 2 months where the value of gold is currently strongly associated with the hot ball topic of the year; inflacija in lower government bonds. Gold is up 12% from mid-March lows $1677, with support coming from lower interest rates and lower government bond yields.

XAUUSD, Weekly

If, inflation as expressed by most Central banks is temporary, higher bond yields and an increase in vaccine launches to reduce uncertainty, then the Dollar will likely strengthen significantly and gold could retrace its true fair value, between $1600 in $1700. Conversely, if Inflation gets out of control, which cannot be ruled out, then gold will probably end the year with a new high price.


GOLD finished the trading week near the $1880 area. XAUUSD quotes continue moving upwards leaving the descending trend channel. The price move above Kumo indicates that the bullish trend is still continuing, targeting $1900 or the average high price of around $1950. The expectation of the correction in the price will test the support levels near the $ 1845-1850 area. Furthermore, gold price continued growth with a potential target at the $2000 Raven.

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Ady Phangestu

Analyst – HF Indonesia

Disclaimer: To gradivo je na voljo kot splošno tržno sporočilo samo v informativne namene in ne predstavlja neodvisne naložbene raziskave. Nič v tem sporočilu ne vsebuje ali bi se smelo šteti, da vsebuje naložbeni nasvet ali naložbeno priporočilo ali nagovarjanje za nakup ali prodajo katerega koli finančnega instrumenta. Vse navedene informacije so zbrane iz uglednih virov in vse informacije, ki kažejo na preteklo uspešnost, niso jamstvo ali zanesljiv pokazatelj prihodnje uspešnosti. Uporabniki priznavajo, da je za vsako naložbo v produkte s finančnim vzvodom značilna določena stopnja negotovosti in da vsaka tovrstna naložba vključuje visoko stopnjo tveganja, za katero so izključno odgovorni uporabniki. Ne prevzemamo nobene odgovornosti za kakršno koli izgubo, ki izhaja iz katere koli naložbe, izvedene na podlagi informacij, navedenih v tem sporočilu. Tega sporočila ni dovoljeno reproducirati ali naprej distribuirati brez našega predhodnega pisnega dovoljenja.

Vir: /238963/

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