"Sovražni" Hongkong izgublja sijaj, ko se kripto podjetja odločijo za odhod

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Hong Kong has many homegrown crypto-platforms like FTX, Bit-Z, Amber, and Bitspark, among several other startups. However, lately, the city is losing its sheen as a premier crypto-marketplace. This opinion holds particular significance now, especially since FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried je pokazala, that the exchange is changing its base from Hong Kong to the Caribbean.

FTX’s brand-new headquarters will be in the Bahamas due to the country’s pro-active regulatory position towards cryptocurrencies. The exec je dejal,

"FTX ureja Komisija za vrednostne papirje na Bahamih po zakonu DARE iz leta 2020, enem redkih celovitih predpisov za kripto borze na svetu."

FTX ni edina kripto platforma, ki se je v zadnjem času preselila iz Hongkonga. Drugo kriptofinančno podjetje, Amber Group, namerava imeti večjo prisotnost v ZDA namesto v Hongkongu.

V intervju with the South China Morning Post, CEO Michael Wu confirmed that Amber is considering a direct listing in the U.S within the next two years.

In the past, crypto-businesses have seen a massive crackdown in Kitajska and moved to crypto-friendlier administrations. By the look of things, Hong Kong might be next.

The local authorities in Hong Kong have made it increasingly hard for cryptocurrency exchanges to operate in the region. While it has started omejujoč access of retail investors in the market, it is also constantly updating its investor warning Seznam for unregistered digital tokens and initial coin offerings (ICO).

Poročila state that the country’s different regulatory bodies have an inconsistent position on cryptocurrency. Alessio Quaglini, CEO of Hex Trust, had previously je dejal,

"Kar lahko rečem, da v Hongkongu ni jasnih predpisov o digitalnih sredstvih ... S katerimi moramo živeti je v bistvu uredba o hrambi tradicionalnih sredstev."

Ker pa kripto podjetja gledajo na ZDA, se tudi v tej državi pojavljajo prihajajoči izzivi. Ameriški regulator naj bi preiskal hongkonški Tether, ko zatira stabilne kovance. Poleg tega je ameriško SEC trdo storilo tudi pri produktih kriptoposojanja.

Ker skupina Amber omogoča tudi vračilo obresti strankam na njihovih depozitih v kriptovaluti, bo morala počakati, da se razmere ohladijo. Medtem ko je Coinbase prišel pod radar regulatorja za podobno ponudbo, sta BlockFi in Celsius prejela obvestila vsaj štirih ameriških zveznih držav zaradi domnevne kršitve predpisov o vrednostnih papirjih.

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Vir: https://ambcrypto.com/hostile-hong-kong-is-losing-its-sheen-as-crypto-business-choose-to-leave/

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