Kako bo naslednja generacija interneta izboljšala rešitve odprtega bančništva Fintechs (Dmytro Spilka)

Izvorno vozlišče: 1709410

Although many of us cast our mind to the vast social media applications of the metaverse, this new technological landscape extends far beyond the realm of socializing and entertainment and into more traditional sectors. The growth of virtual and augmented
reality have enabled the buying and selling of goods
v virtualnih okoljih
, ki revolucionira način, kako potrošniki opravljajo transakcije na spletu. To skupaj s številnimi drugimi inovacijami na področju porabe in fintech storitev že vzbuja nov optimizem za pojav odprtega bančništva. 

Fintech podjetja in bolj tradicionalne institucije so kot obsežni virtualni prostor hitro sprejele metaverzum in tehnologijo, ki ga poganja. JP Morgan (NYSE: JPM) je na primer pohitel

ustvariti lasten digitalni lobi
znotraj metaverzuma Decentraland, HSBC pa se je pred kratkim odločil zgraditi svoj prostor znotraj The Sandboxa,

navajajoč to
»sporazum odpira vrata drugim globalnim institucijam, da nadaljujejo z inovacijami v Web3, saj sprejemanje potrošnikov zahteva bolj robustne izkušnje v metaverzumu prek decentraliziranih in igrificiranih ponudb.«


Asset management firm Grayscale highlights the potential that the metaverse can bring to businesses throughout a range of industries. Throughout the total addressable market for the metaverse, we can see the vast potential for more comprehensive payment
solutions and financial frameworks. With the metaverse highlighted as a market opportunity worth $1.4 trillion, it’s certainly worth fintechs turning their attention to the age of Web 3.0 sooner rather than later. 

Whilst the metaverse is still many years away from fully achieving its potential, we can see it already beginning to build on the potential offered by open banking solutions. Over the coming years, we may not be capable of virtually walking through our investment
performance charts, or digitally transporting ourselves to a trading floor to view our cryptocurrency investments, but the emergence of Web 3.0 is set to fundamentally change our relationship with our money. Let’s take a deeper look into how the next generation
of the internet will make this possible:

Prihodnost vizualizacije podatkov

Imeti priložnost raziskati bogate ravni podatkov, ki jih ustvarijo uporabniki o svojih potrošniških navadah, naložbenih možnostih in različnih sredstvih v dobi velikih podatkov in ravni vpogleda brez primere, je ključni vidik
odprto bančništvo

Finančna industrija postaja vse bolj zapletena, saj sprejema nove tehnologije, kot sta blockchain in kriptovalute, bogastvo uporabnikov pa se lahko razprši na bolj raznolik način kot kdajkoli prej. 

As the metaverse grows, AR and VR solutions will be capable of generating experiences that can help users to decipher complex information about their accounts. With this in mind, Vivek Dubey, author of the fintech book of the year in 2020, suggests that
we look to the model that
Salesforce je implementiral
uporaba Oculus Rift kot sredstva za ustvarjanje 3D prostora, v katerem je mogoče razčleniti informacije. 

“Constancy Labs, a piece of Fidelity Investments, has likewise exploited the innovation behind Oculus Rift,” Dubey adds. “They made a virtual world called ‘Stock City’ where stock portfolios are transformed into a virtual 3D city, where financial specialists
can inundate themselves in the information.”

Takšna poteza lahko utre pot do veliko višjih ravni finančne pismenosti in veliko bolj celovitega nadzora nad finančnim upravljanjem med uporabniki. 

V dobi spleta 3.0 bomo verjetno ustvarjali večje količine velikih podatkov kot kdaj koli prej. Dolžnost fintech podjetij bo izdelati celovitejše načine za pretvorbo podatkov, ki jih proizvedemo v
obvladljive vizualizacije ki lahko ponudijo uporabne vpoglede. 

Today, it’s still possible for users to access insights into spending patterns through platforms like Revolut – which has become an innovator in the

doba odprtega bančništva

Pot do dostopnosti

Metaverse bo največje orodje pri razvoju odprtega bančništva. To je zato, ker lahko postavi temelje za resnično demokratizacijo financ. 

Pri sprejemanju te nove digitalne meje lahko fintech pomaga pri prehodu z enodimenzionalnega trga na

bolj volumetrična virtualna pokrajina
z različnimi dimenzijami in kreativnim gospodarstvom. 

Through leveraging a global interconnected landscape, the metaverse can pave the way for digital financial access for, ultimately, billions of users – who will, in turn, contribute to a thriving online economy. 

V svoji zavezanosti izkoriščanju odprtega bančništva so fintechi všeč
, Starling, and Nubank (NYSE: NU) have already enhanced the number of channels available to users by some margin – making financial services, capital, and assets more accessible for users throughout the world. 

In accelerating the growth of an industry that had been initially slow to modernize, we can already see democratizing effects in play. This is particularly true with Nubank’s success in providing banking solutions for those without access to banking services
v Latinski Ameriki. 

As the metaverse continues to grow, we will see more users conduct their banking in a virtual manner. In a borderless digital ecosystem, fintechs have been presented with an unprecedented opportunity to thrive on a global scale. Leveraging big data insights
and promoting financial literacy is likely to only be the start of the open banking revolution.

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