Ikona se krepi ob korejski predsedniški zmagi: tukaj lahko kupite ICX

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By its own admission, the South Korean ecosystem Icon has done more to educate the government on crypto than anyone. Today, it emerged presidential candidate Yoon Suk-yeol, who wants to deregulate the crypto industry in South Korea, has won the elections.

The ICX token, which he supports, soared as a result. It broke into the top 100 and has gained 35% in the last 24 hours, approaching the equivalent of one dollar. If you are attracted to unique features and want to learn how and where to buy ICX, this guide is for you.

Top places to buy ICX now


Binance je od ustanovitve leta 2017 eksponentno naraščal in je zdaj ena največjih borz kriptovalut na trgu, če ne celo največ.

Kupite ICX z Binanceom še danes

Kaj je ICX?

The token of ICON Network is part of a layer-one blockchain with a mission to build an interoperable blockchain network bridging autonomous online communities and real-world enterprises.

ICON Network focuses on delivering real-world utility by advancing hyper-connectivity through the promotion of frictionless value exchanges.

S preverjanjem transakcij v svoji decentralizirani knjigi lahko ICON zmanjša število posrednikov in odpravi meje za čezmejne interakcije.

In particular, the company focuses on the use cases of decentralized identity, digital certificate issuance, blockchain payments, decentralized finance, non-fungible tokens and additional use cases: e-government, elections, decentralized oracles and e-health.

Should I buy ICX today?

Glede na to, kako težko je pripraviti natančno napoved kriptovalute, nikoli ne smete sprejemati nobenih odločitev, ki bi vplivale na vaše finance, pred poglobljeno analizo trga. Ne vlagajte več, kot si lahko privoščite, da izgubite.

ICX price prediction

Cryptonewsz is bullish on the token, predicting growth to at least $4.52 by 2024. However, GOV Capital disagrees. They predict the token will stay at its current price over the next year.

ICX on social media

Pošta Ikona se krepi ob korejski predsedniški zmagi: tukaj lahko kupite ICX pojavil prvi na Časopis za kovance.

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