Indijska vlada bo zaračunala 2-odstotno izravnavo za kripto sredstva

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Kot pred kratkim je pokazala,, the existing laws in the country could mandate a 2% levy on the crypto assets purchases from offshore-based exchanges overhauling India’s market. The 2% equalisation key of the Indian Government could be stretched to the crypto assets bought from off-shore izmenjave.

Equalisation Levy of the Indian Government on Crypto Assets 

In accordance with a report published on June 22, the analysts are deducing that the existing law could require a 2% levy to be added onto the agreement price of the cryptocurrency purchased from overseas-based kripto izmenjave operating in the country’s market

Talking about the equalisation levy, it was introduced by the government in the year 2016, and inflicting a 6% tariff on the payments for e-comm supply and services to non-resident firms without a permanent initiation in India.

However, being updated in the year 2020 and dubbed as the Google Tax, the updated ratification imposed a 2% tax on the services provided by off-shore e-commerce operators conducting businesses in India.

Girish Vanvari and Amit Maheshwari Comment on the Situation

Girish Vanvari, the Founder of Transaction Square, the tax advisory firm said:

"Način oblikovanja in opredelitve nove izravnalne dajatve se zdi, da bo veljal tudi za kriptovalute, kupljene na borzi, ki nima sedeža v Indiji."

In addition to this, he mentioned the requirement of adding this to the existing cost of the crypto assets and said:

"Dajatev je odvisna od prodajne cene in podjetja bodo morda morala to dodati k stroškom kripto sredstev."

Moreover, the tax partner at tax consulting company AKM Global, Amit Maheshwari said:

"Ker ni nobenih smernic o obravnavi kripto sredstev, je dvoumno, kako bi jih obravnavali v skladu z davčno zakonodajo in FEMA (Zakon o upravljanju deviz)."

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#Crypto sredstva #Equalisation Levy #Indian Government


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