Industrijska digitalizacija: napredek Thalesa predstavljen na virtualnem dogodku IDC »Future of Manufacturing«

Izvorno vozlišče: 807426

Alongside (albeit at a distance!) counterparts from companies as diverse as Hitachi, Bosch, LVMH and Confluent, Alain Chêne’s keynote talk was entitled “Mastering data for efficient and secure industrial digitization”.

Posebej je izpostavil napredek Thalesa pri usklajevanju praks, orodij in procesov v naših industrijskih dejavnostih ter napredek, ki ga je dosegel pri olajšanju dela zaposlenih tako, da jim omogoča “to have access at the right time to the reliable data they need”.

Ključni izzivi digitalne transformacije industrije

Alain Chêne je pojasnil, kako ima industrijska digitalizacija temeljno vlogo na teh dveh glavnih področjih, pri čemer je postavil pet glavnih izzivov. To so “making the data we have available to all of our employees; automating as many low added-value tasks as possible; demonstrating great agility to adapt to the market; ensuring that our suppliers also engage in a dynamic of digital transformation; and, probably most important of all, making sure to always position the human at the centre of the process.”

Poleg tega je Alain omenil težave v zvezi s podatki in poudaril, kako “one of the challenges of industrial digital transformation lies in the awareness of the existence of the large amount of data at our disposal (technical, commercial and financial data) coming from a wide variety of internal and external systems and stakeholders. These data represent colossal sources of efficiency and performance.” He also recalled how cybersecurity is an essential condition for success, while recalling the Group’s strengths in this area.

Sklenil je spomnil, kako “the concepts of data, connectivity and intelligent systems make it possible to significantly increase end-to-end industrial performance both at the technical, financial and human level and to build new standards of excellence, both for our teams and our customers. This translates into reducing non-quality costs, improving reliability and punctuality levels, optimizing the time to market of a product, and more generally by strengthening our agility.”

Uvedba vedno bolj digitaliziranih metod in procesov kot del širšega prizadevanja za nenehne izboljšave daje Thalesu odlične rezultate. Najopaznejši vpliv je bil na čas dostave, odzivnost in ravni kakovosti po specifikacijah. V zadnjih štirih letih je to povzročilo šestkratno zmanjšanje stopenj zavrnitve industrijske proizvodnje letalske elektronike Thales. Kupci so potrdili to najboljšo zmogljivost v razredu; Gulfstream je na primer v okviru svojih nagrad Dobavitelj leta priznal Thales kot primerjalnega dobavitelja za pravočasne in kakovostne dostave. 


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