Kennedy je uvedel zakon SPAC, da bi povečal preglednost podjetij, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje za izdajo čekov

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WASHINGTON – Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) today introduced the Sponsor Promote and Compensation (SPAC) Act, which would provide greater transparency for investors involved with Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPAC-ji), also known as blank-check companies. 

“SPACs are becoming more and more popular, but the risks that can come with these companies aren’t clear to most everyday investors. While we can all recognize that celebrities don’t tend to be paragons of sound financial planning, they’re often the public face of companies selling shares to hardworking Americans. It’s right and fair that a SPAC should disclose how its sponsors get paid and how that affects the value of its public shares, and the Sponsor Promote and Compensation Act would require this kind of transparency,” je rekel Kennedy.

SPAC zbirajo sredstva vlagateljev s prvo javno ponudbo (IPO) s ciljem pridobitve in združitve z zasebnim podjetjem v dvoletnem obdobju. Formula SPAC je privlačna, ker podjetjem omogoča, da gredo javno na borzo v ZDA brez zamud in zahtev tradicionalnega IPO, kar jim omogoča, da se izognejo predpisom o odgovornosti in razkritju.

Petdeset odstotkov vseh IPO-ji v ZDA so leta 2020 vključevale strukture SPAC, SPAC pa so v istem letu zbrale 82 milijard USD. V prvih treh mesecih letošnjega leta so SPAC presegli tradicionalne IPO-je in do zdaj zbrali 95 milijard USD.

Ko SPAC predlaga združitev z zasebno družbo, se sedanji delničarji SPAC lahko odločijo, da bodo svoje prvotne delnice SPAC odkupili za denar in obresti, ne pa da sodelujejo pri združitvi z nakupom novih delnic v združeni družbi. Če SPAC združitve ne zaključi v dveh letih po ustanovitvi, likvidira in vrne vsa sredstva svojim delničarjem z obrestmi.

Wall Street executives, celebrities and other public figures often serve as the founders and sponsors of SPACs. They act as the public face of the company, use their influence to fundraise through share offerings, promote the company and help identify a private company with which to merge.

most SPAC sponzorji award themselves “founder shares” that convert into public shares after the merger between the SPAC and a private company. The founder shares typically represent as much as 20 percent of the total share value of the company.

Ta vrsta odškodnine ne obstaja kot del tradicionalnih IPO. Ko sponzorji SPAC pretvorijo deleže, ki jih prejmejo v združeni družbi, se delnice te družbe razredčijo in izgubijo vrednost. Vrednotenje delnic SPAC lahko še bolj pade, če sponzor SPAC izbere šibko družbo, s katero se bo združil.

Nekateri tržni strokovnjaki so pozvali SPAC, naj svoje kompenzacijske strukture pojasnijo, da bi zaščitili male vlagatelje.

Within 120 days of its enactment, the SPAC Act would require the SEC to issue rules on enhanced disclosures for SPACs during the initial public offering stage and the pre-merger stage to make those disclosures more transparent to investors, especially main street investors. These measures would help investors make informed decisions based on more accurate valuations of a company’s shares.

Na voljo je besedilo zakona SPAC tukaj.

Vir: ameriški senator John Kennedy - Kennedy je uvedel zakon SPAC, da bi povečal preglednost podjetij, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje za izdajo čekov

Vir: transparentnost-obdaja-praznih-čekov

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