LoL: Viego Champion Guide - zgodovina, rune, zgradbe, preobleke in števci

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Vse, kar morate vedeti o Viegu, uničenem kralju.

Commanding the Black Mists of the Shadow Isles, Viego is one of League’s newer characters. Despite that, he’s already incredibly influential to League of Legends, both as a lore character and in-game. He’s become the main villain of Runeterra and upcoming events, like the Vzpon Sentinelov dogodek in TFT’s Reckoning: Dawn of Heroes update, are influenced heavily by his mere existence. On top of that, he’s very closely tied to a number of champions, including Mlatiti in Gwen.

Outside of the lore part of things, Viego is a hit with LoL players of every tier. On top of being a strong pro pick at the time of writing, many players are enjoying him in their solo queue games. Whether you’re an aspiring Viego player yourself, simply want to learn how to play against him or are interested in his influence on Runeterra’s lore, there’s a lot to learn about the Ruined King!

Viego’s Lore

Uradna umetnost Riot Games Shadow Isles, temne, puste dežele, ki jo prekriva smrtonosna zelena megla.

In life, Viego was the second son of a monarch who ruled a great kingdom. He never expected to rule as the second-born, so he lived lavishly and carefree. But he found himself thrust onto the throne after his brother died, though despite claiming the position, Viego had little interest in ruling, and he wasn’t adept at it either.

That changed, however, when he met the love of his life, a peasant seamstress named Isolde. She stole his heart with her beauty and he married her, after which he showered her with gifts and attention. The two were inseparable, and even in dealings of state, Viego traveled with Isolde. But because Viego wasn’t a strong or dedicated ruler, his allies resented him, while his enemies looked to expose his weakness.

Nekega dne je morilec z zastrupljenim bodalom poskušal ubiti Viega, a ga je njegov stražar zaščitil. Na žalost je Izolda vzela rezilo in hudo zbolela. Tudi potem, ko je uporabil vsa sredstva, ki so mu bila podeljena na njegovem položaju, in svojo ogromno zakladnico, Viego ni mogel rešiti svoje ljubljene iz primeža smrti.

Smrt in rojstvo Shadow Isles

Njena smrt je Viega spravila v norost. Eden od njegovih generalov, Kalista, je odkril in Viegu povedal za kraj, imenovan Blessed Isles, kraj, poln življenja in magije, ki vsebuje vode, ki zdravijo vsako bolezen. Viego se je hitro odpravil proti blagoslovljenim otokom in napadel njihove obale, da bi našel te Vode življenja. S pomočjo Thresha mu je uspelo odkriti Vode in vanje namestiti svojo ljubljeno Isole.

And she was revived, for a moment. She returned as a terrible specter, who in rage, forced Viego’s ancient magic blade into her body. The magics reacted against each other and led to a cataclysmic event. The dark energy of the Black Mist poured from the chamber, obliterating all life in the Blessed Isles.

S tem so se dvignili Senčni otoki, ki so zahtevali vse življenje, s katerim so se lahko hranili. Viego se ne spomni ničesar od tega, samo Isolde. Njegova obsedenost mu je sledila v posmrtno življenje in zdaj poveljuje Črni megli Shadow Isles in nemrtvim prebivalcem, ki prebivajo v njej. V iskanju Izolde, Viego in meglice požrejo vse, kar se jim znajde na poti. Edina stvar, ki je za Viega pomembna, je, da ponovno vidi Izoldo, in ni mu mar za duše, ki jih mora za to uničiti.

Najboljše rune

Runska stran v odjemalcu za prvaka LoL Viego, s ključnim kamnom osvajalca in natančnostjo kot primarnim drevesom ter dominacijo kot sekundarnim drevesom.

Primarno drevo: natančnost

  • Keystone: Osvajalec
  • Triumph
  • Legenda: Alacrity
  • Državni udar

Sekundarno drevo: Dominacija

  • Nenaden vpliv
  • Pohlepni lovec

Mini rune

  • Hitrost napada
  • Prilagodljiva sila
  • Armor

Viego is a resourceless champion, meaning his abilities don’t cost mana or energy, and has a good deal of healing built into his kit. As such, his runes are focused on augmenting his healing and increasing his dueling potential. Conqueror is a no-brainer, as he thrives in drawn-out fights where his healing makes the difference. Triumph is just generally good, while Legend: Alacrity suits the attack speed Viego builds with his items. Coup de Grace is helpful with executing enemies and stealing their bodies, too.

V drevesu Domination, Sudden Impact povzroči Viegu malo dodatne škode po uporabi njegove Spectral Maw (W). Toda Ravenous Hunter je glavna poteza tega runskega drevesa, saj poskrbi, da se Viego še bolj ozdravi, ko dobi nekaj napadov za seboj. Končno so vse mini rune dokaj standardne za dvobojevalce.

Postavite element

Stran s predmeti LoL znotraj odjemalca za Viego, z elementi, razdeljenimi v dve škatli, eno z naslovom Osnovni predmeti Viego in drugo Situacijski/prednostni predmeti Viego.

Osnovne postavke:

  • Rezilo uničenega kralja
  • Divine Sunderer
  • Sterakov gage
  • Škornji po vaši izbiri

Situacijski/prednostni predmeti:

  • Kraken Slayer (mitska alternativa)
  • Immortal Shieldbow (mitska alternativa)
  • Death's Dance
  • Guardian’s Angel
  • Collector
  • Wit's End
  • Smrtni opomnik
  • Chempunkov verižni meč

Like with his runes, Viego’s item build is all about healing and dueling. And as you might expect from the Ruined King, the Blade of the Ruined King is his usual rush item. Its obviously the perfect item for him since, aside from the name, it gives him a ton of damage and healing. Currently, Divine Sunderer is the mythic of choice, as it gives him damage, healing and some health to make him a tad tankier. But Kraken Slayer and Immortal Shieldbow and viable options for mythics as well. The main thing with them is they push him more towards a Critical Strike build, as opposed to health and survivability items.

After BotRK and Sunderer, most players choose to go for Sterak’s Gage. His body-stealing passive helps him in team fights already, but having the Sterak’s shield can be important for team fighting too. Somewhere along the line, you should pick up a pair of boots as well, the type depending on the enemy team composition.

After the core items, there are some choices to make. Death’s Dance is a choice for going all-in on dueling, with extra healing, while Guardian’s Angel grants Viego a revive to hopefully turn fights around. The Collector is a super-snowball item if you’re ludicrously fed and want pure damage. Meanwhile, Wit’s End is great against teams with heavy AP damage. Lastly, if you’re in need of anti-healing, Chempunk Chainsword is good for non-crit builds, while Mortal Reminder is the go-to for crit builds.

Najboljši števci

Splash art za prvaka LoL Nocturne, senčno pošast z rezili na rokah.

Viego is a powerful champion in the right hands, but like any champion, he has counters that he hates to play against. He’s primarily played in the jungle, but has solo lane presence too. Funnily enough, whether its in the mid lane or jungle, Nocturne is statistically the best counter to Viego. His fear makes it hard for Viego to fight back against Nocturne. And if Nocturne can kill Viego before he can stack his healing, he has a good time.

Some other counters in the jungle include assassins like Shaco and Elise, along with Rammus, the ultime attack speed counter champion. Viego relies on dueling, so Shaco and Elise are good counters because of their one-shot potential. On the other hand, Rammus is fantastic because he’s innately tanky and has apt tools for counter champions that rely on attack speed and healing. Exactly the two things Viego is known for.

Na srednjem pasu ima Viego težje čase, ker je večina prvakov na razdalji. Kontrolni čarovniki s trdim CC, še posebej Anivia in Malzahar, mu povzročajo težave. Oba krampa lahko hitro ubijeta valove in zadržita Viega na razdalji. Nekaj ​​drugih spodobnih nasprotnikov tukaj so Annie, Vladimir in Corki, saj je njihova čista škoda preveč za Viega, da bi se s tem spopadel na kratkem pasu.

Viego’s skins

Splash art za LoL kožo Lunar Beast Viego, ki prikazuje Viega, ki drži zlat meč za hrbtom nad mestno pokrajino.

Because Viego just released this year, he hasn’t had much time to get any new skins. Currently, his only skin is Lunar Beast Viego, pictured above. There are conflicting opinions on the skin, but if you want to variate from the base skin, it’s still a decent option.

However, Viego is crucial to the lore of Runeterra and a fairly marketable and popular champion. It’s safe to say he’ll get a fair amount of skins made for him in the future.


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