Poročilo o analizi trga (12. avgust 2022)

Izvorno vozlišče: 1619243

Ethereum core developers have discussed potential dates for the Merge upgrade on a Consensus Layer Call. The Merge will be split into two upgrades: Bellatrix and Paris, with the second being when the Merge is fully implemented.

Ethereum Merge opisuje trenutno združitev glavnega omrežja v omrežju s sistemom PoS Beacon Chain, s čimer se pripravijo temelji za prihodnje nadgradnje skaliranja, vključno z razdelitvijo. Ta poteza naj bi zmanjšala porabo energije Ethereuma za 99.95 %.

Odmik od PoW naj bi naredil omrežje cenejše, hitrejše in okolju prijaznejše, vendar pa bo tudi pomenil konec dohodka za rudarje Ethereum, ki so bili nagrajeni za varovanje omrežja.

The Paris upgrade is set to occur when the network reaches a certain total terminal difficulty (TTD), which is related to the network’s hashrate. Core developers debated which dates would be most suitable to target, with consensus falling on the 144896 epoch for Bellatrix, meaning September 6.

Developers set a tentative date of September 15 – at a TTD of 58750000000000000000000 – for Paris. These dates aren’t definitive yet and may be altered in the coming days or weeks. If Ethereum’s hashrate falls significantly, the dates may be manually altered.

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