Poročilo o analizi trga (21. marec 2023)

Poročilo o analizi trga (21. marec 2023)

Izvorno vozlišče: 2022373

Skupina FTX je zaprosila za posredovanje ameriškega stečajnega sodnika Johna Dorseyja, da bi zavarovala svoje premoženje pred likvidacijskimi upravitelji, ki vodijo likvidacijo njene enote na Bahamih.

According to Bloomberg, the firm has argued that the liquidators have no legitimate claim over any portion of the bankrupt firm’s assets. In an adversary proceeding filed in bankruptcy court, FTX Group is seeking a declaration from Dorsey that assets belonging to Sam Bankman-Fried and other employees, lodged under the Bahamas unit, are “fraudulent transfers” and rightfully owned by FTX.

According to court documents, liquidators for FTX Digital Markets, the Bahamas division of FTX Group, which is not bankrupt, have claimed ownership of FTX.com’s property.

The filing claims that the liquidators’ claims over the exchange are continuing to “balloon in size and volume,” and have extended to interfering with Alameda’s preferential payments.

Brez posredovanja stečajnega sodišča ZDA skupina FTX verjame, da bodo likvidacijski upravitelji še naprej uveljavljali neutemeljene zahtevke, ki bodo škodovali strankam FTX.com in drugim upnikom dolžnikov FTX.

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