Nova številka Glasbe in avtorskih pravic

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Najnovejša številka Glasba in avtorske pravice je zdaj na voljo naročnikom za prenos. Tukaj je nekaj vrhuncev.

UMG in MSP močno stiskajo tržni delež za WMG in neodvisni sektor
Glasba in avtorske praviceLetna raziskava sektorja posnete glasbe in glasbenega založništva je razkrila spremembe v svetovnem tržnem deležu treh glavnih glasbenih skupin in neodvisnega sektorja. V ponovitvi zadnjega pregleda je UMG okrepil svoj položaj globalnega vodje. Podjetje je zabeležilo rast svojega tržnega deleža posnete glasbe, medtem ko je založniška enota UMPG dosegla največjo rast deleža med vsemi glasbenimi založniki v zadnjih več kot 10 letih. MSP je videla, da se je njegov skupni delež posnete glasbe po treh letih upadanja vrnil k rasti. Čeprav se je Sonyjev založniški delež medletno zmanjšal, se je tržni delež družbe glede skupnih glasbenih prihodkov močno povečal. Manjši večji WMG je utrpel padec deleža tako pri izdajanju posnete glasbe kot pri glasbenem založništvu. Neodvisni sektor je prav tako zabeležil padce delnic posnete glasbe in glasbenega založništva. Čeprav je neodvisna skupina ostala nedvomno vodilna pri založništvu, je dobiček pri posneti glasbi za UMG povzročil, da je skupni delež neodvisnih podjetij zdrsnil na drugo mesto.

Another year of rising rights collections for South Korea’s KOMCA
South Korean authors’ society KOMCA has reported a record year for collections. Given South Korea’s advanced recorded-music market, much of KOMCA’s gains in recent years have come from digital sources and last year was no exception. Digital, which overtook performance five years ago to become the collection society’s biggest revenue source, accounted for close to half of domestic receipts last year with both streaming and audiovisual registering a particularly positive 12 months. However, income from mechanical reproduction scored the highest growth with a boom in CD sales driving up the collection source. In contrast, performance revenue was down almost one third with both karaoke and live concerts suffering from measures imposed to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus. International income topped the previous year’s record with the popularity of K-pop boosting the overseas total.

National trade groups detail recorded-music sales with streaming and vinyl the big positives
In March, the IFPI published global recorded-music trade results for last year. Total sales, which were made up of physical and digital formats and services, performance rights, and synchronization revenue, increased 7.4%, to $21.6bn from $20.2bn in 2019. The rise, which compared with an uptick of 9.7% in 2019, marked the sixth consecutive year of growth. Since the global results were released, a number of national trade associations and retail groups have published local market figures. Although the level of detail differs between countries, all the results show a year-on-year rise in trade/retail sales with streaming the big growth provider. Most countries suffered a drop in sales of physical formats, with the size of the decline exaggerated by the impact on each countries’ retail sector from the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the vinyl revival continued and, in some countries, revenue from the age-old format overtook CDs.

Indie music moves the needle in a hot Asian recorded-music market
The Chinese music market, as well as other territories in the Asia region, is attracting a lot interest from recorded-music’s big guns at the moment as revenue continues to rise. There’s also a sizable amount of focus on the independent music scene with both WMG and Merlin among those making significant plays across Asia. This is a hugely diverse region, however, and the one-size fits all strategy traditionally adopted in western markets won’t work in Asia. Local knowledge will be a key determinant of success, so the business of both hiring experienced Asian executives and allying with national independent record companies will be crucial.

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