Hčerinska družba Nomura Laser Digital testira prenos USDC z omrežjem Keyring Network – The Defiant

Hčerinsko podjetje Nomura Laser Digital testira prenos USDC z omrežjem Keyring Network – The Defiant

Izvorno vozlišče: 2519484

Dokaz koncepta kaže na to, da glavne finančne institucije še naprej eksperimentirajo s skladnimi kripto orodji.

Institucije so tukaj.

Institutional crypto firm Keyring Network has facilitated the transfer of a wrapped version of the USDC stablecoin for Laser Digital, a subsidiary of Japanese banking giant Nomura.

The move signals broader institutional experimentation with permissioned blockchains and crypto assets such as stabilni kosi, said Mélodie Lamarque, co-founder of Keyring.

She explained to The Defiant that her firm wrapped USDC and enabled a permissioned trade within the Laser Digital ecosystem, leveraging Keyring’s compliance framework.

Lamarque noted that Laser Digital tested the transfer on Ethereum's mainnet, not in a sandboxed environment. That’s a testament to the company’s willingness to truly test crypto systems, an impressive move considering its close ties to Nomura.

Nomura Asset Management is a behemoth of the financial system, with $531 billion in AUM, po navedbah the company. Although through a subsidiary, its involvement in the digital asset industry only strengthens the case that crypto is penetrating the largest financial institutions in the world – even if through the margins at first.

Laser Digital s pomočjo Keyringa – podjetja, ki je specializirano za izdelavo orodij za skladnost za institucije, ki želijo izkoristiti pametne pogodbe – »obnavlja banko«, je dejal Lamarque. Keyring je zbral 6 milijonov dolarjev začetnega financiranja.

Lamarquejeva je opozorila, da ne vidi, da bi regulativno okolje postalo enoten okvir, niti da je to smiselno. "Poskusi uskladitve mednarodne zakonodaje ne bodo delovali," je dejala in dodala, da je podjetje osredotočeno na okvir pravil, ki preverja vsa polja.

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