Prodaja neživljivih žetonov se začne potapljati, NFT se znižuje, finančni avtor poudarja prekomerno ponudbo NFT

Izvorno vozlišče: 798737

Premoženja in zbirateljske predmete, ki niso zamenljivi (NFT), začenja opažati upadanje, prav tako pa upada tudi zanimanje za NFT. Poleg tega se govori, da bi lahko "prekomerna ponudba NFT-jev" škodovala trgu, pravi James Surowiecki, avtor knjige "Modrost množic".

  • In 2021, non-fungible tokens have been all the rage and the industry has grown very popular during the last few months. Throughout March 7 through the 13th, 2021, the term “NFT” searched on Google in the U.S. touched an all-time high reaching 100 on Google Trends (GT). Since then, queries for NFTs have slid in the United States to 92 the week after and 95 during the last week, according to today’s Podatki GT.
  • Worldwide queries for the term “NFT” on Google went from a score of 100 da 95. The biggest subregion in the world searching for “NFT” on Google stems from China. Uganda, Canada, Singapore, and the U.S. follow respectively.
Prodaja neživljivih žetonov se začne potapljati, NFT se znižuje, finančni avtor poudarja prekomerno ponudbo NFT
Podatki za 30-dnevno statistiko na dan 3. aprila 2021.
  • The entire term “non-fungible token” according to Podatki GT, shows the score recently dropped from a 100 to an 89.
  • The NFT marketplace NBA Top Shot saw a decline in sales and dropped to its lowest percentages so far, according to statistics on April 3, 2021.
  • Sales numbers, sales in USD, and active market wallets for NFTs have also seen a decline in recent days according to today’s data. 30-day stats show NFT sales dropped over 80%’s market history details.
Prodaja neživljivih žetonov se začne potapljati, NFT se znižuje, finančni avtor poudarja prekomerno ponudbo NFT
Avtor "Modrosti množic" James Surowiecki pravi, da "zgodovina kaže, da je prevelika ponudba zanesljiv način za končanje razcveta, zlasti za zbirateljske predmete."
  • James Surowiecki, the author of “The Wisdom of Crowds” has recently written about oversaturation in the NFT industry on March 31, 2021. Surowiecki explains in his article called “An Oversupply of NFTs Is Going to Kill the Golden Goose,” that “the signs of oversupply are easy to see.”
  • "Pri NFT-jih je tveganje prekomerne ponudbe še posebej ostro, ker ni nikogar zadolžen, ovire za izdajo pa so tako izjemno nizke - v nekaj minutah lahko dobesedno ustvarite nov NFT," pojasnjuje uredništvo Surowieckega »In za razliko od stripov ali baseball kart, NFT-ji ne razpadejo ali jih zavržemo. Z drugimi besedami, edino, kar zares vemo o NFT-jih, je, da jih bo od zdaj na mesec več, kot jih je danes. «

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