OpenSea preiskuje govorice o večmilijonskem izkoriščanju NFT

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UPDATE: (10:38 AM Sunday): Early Sunday morning, Finzer said that the firm concluded—based on internal and external conversations—that the incident was a phishing attack and did not originate from OpenSea’s website. 

“We’re actively working with users whose items were stolen to narrow down a set of common websites that they interacted with that might have been responsible for the malicious signatures,” he said on Twitter. “Huge thanks to the users that hopped on the phone with us directly.”

UPDATE: (11:01 PM): OpenSea co-founder Devin Finzer tweeted that the firm was still investigating the incident, adding that they believe it stemmed from a “phishing attack.”

He added: “We don’t believe it’s connected to the OpenSea website. It appears 32 users thus far have signed a malicious payload from an attacker, and some of their NFTs were stolen.”

Finzer suggested impacted users reach out to the firm via Podpora za Twitter

Nastajajoči trg nezamenljivih žetonov je bil v soboto zvečer razburjen, potem ko je heker vnesel več milijonov dolarjev vredne NFT-je na OpenSea.

V času pisanja ni jasno, ali je bilo premoženje ukradeno prek kršitve, ki izhaja iz pomanjkljivosti platforme OpenSea ali napada z lažnim predstavljanjem – običajen način, da tatovi dostopajo do računov prek lažne elektronske pošte. 

"Aktivno preiskujemo govorice o izkoriščanju, povezanem s pametnimi pogodbami, povezanimi z OpenSea," so sporočili iz podjetja v tvitu. "Zdi se, da gre za napad z lažnim predstavljanjem, ki izvira izven spletnega mesta OpenSea."

Tiskovna predstavnica podjetja je The Block napotila na ta tvit, ko je bila dostopna za nadaljnjo posodobitev.

At this point The Block can confirm that the heker has stollen roughly $3 million in assets, which includes popular NFTs like Bored Apes, Azuki and CloneX.

The CEO of Nansen, Alex Svanevik, estimates that about 19 OpenSea users have been impacted.

OpenSea—which recently postavljeno at a valuation topping $13 billion—is one of the largest platforms for NFT trading. It counts Andreessen Horowitz and actor Ashton Kutcher as backers. 

To poročilo bomo posodobili, ko bomo izvedeli več.

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