Vodnik po nalogah Outriders Wanted

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Outriders Wanted Quest Guides
Wanted quests have you hunting down high value targets for loot. This Outriders Wanted Quest Guide will tell you how to track down the location of each of the quests so you can fill up your bounties, take out some wanted targets, and earn yourself some high value loot.

After you reach Trench Town in the story, it’s after Deadrock Pass, you will unlock another central hub. It works much in the same as Rift Town. There’s quests, side quests, shops, all the good stuff. This is also the first time you can unlock Wanted bounties. There is an NPC in Trench Town, who appears after you meet with the leader and start the regional quest, marked by a reticle icon on your map and radar. Speaking with him will unlock all of the Wanted quests. Then you simply need to track them down.

This guide is focusing primarily on how to find the Wanted quests. You’re given the region but you have to actually find the Wanted Poster. Once the Wanted Poster has been found, simply track the quest as your main quest and press Up on the D-Pad. The game will direct you to the quest location.

Vodnik po nalogah Outriders Wanted

Wanted Quest Guide

Wanted – The Perforator (Rift Town)
Wanted - The Perforator
Head to the camp in Rift Town and then take the exit out to the Frontlines – don’t use Fast Travel. The exit is directly opposite the Fast Travel banner. Directly opposite, once you get outside into The Front Lines, there’s a Wanted Poster on the wall. Pick it up to start this quest.
Wanted – Hailstorm (Eagle Peaks)
Wanted- Hailstorm (Eagle Peaks)
Fast Travel to the camp in Eagle Peaks and use the Outpost Bunkers, it’s the Cable Car nearest the commander. Unlock the Fast Travel point and you should see the Wanted Poster nearby.
Wanted – Hanibal (First City)
Wanted - Hanibal (First City)
Fast Travel to The Bridge. You’ll find the Wanted Poster on a pile of wood right next to the Fast Travel location.
Wanted – Brickhead (Deadrock Pass)
Wanted - Brickhead (Deadrock Pass)
Once you arrive in town, fast travel to Mountain Tunnel and interact with the Wanted Poster that’s stuck to a tree right behind the Fast Travel location.
Wanted – The Hornet (Forest Enclave)
Wanted - The Hornet (Forest Enclave)
Fast travel to the Crystal Camp location. As soon as you spawn in, run directly ahead and through a small area. You will see the wanted poster on the other side.
Wanted – Maneater (The Stronghold)
Wanted - Maneater (The Stronghold)
You can find Maneater in The Stronghold. Once you arrive, fast travel to the Makeshift Crane and then walk to the Lumber Camp. If you don’t have the travel point, go from the camp to The Stronghold, and then into the Lumber Camp. At the gate at the other end, is the poster.
Wanted – Headmasher (Ancient Ruins)
Wanted - Headmasher (Ancient Ruins)
In the Ancient Ruins Fast Travel to the Distorted Structure location. You’ll find the wanted poster on a pillar directly behind you, after you spawn in.
Wanted – Blitzkrieg (The Gate)
Wanted - Blitzkrieg (The Gate)
The final Wanted location is in The Gate. Fast Travel to The Gate and then travel to the camp. Then look to your left. There’s two sets of stairs leading up to ruins. Take the stairs on the right. You’ll find the Wanted Poster just up ahead, before the next set of stairs.

Lucky Jinx Double Gun Demolisher
Completing all of the Wanted bounties will give you a Lucky Jinx Double Gun Demolisher.

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Source: http://www.gamersheroes.com/game-guides/outriders-wanted-quest-guide/

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