Penske Truck Leasing odpira nov Fort Worth, Texas, Lokacija

Izvorno vozlišče: 1876514

Penske tovornjak zakup has constructed a new state-of-the-art facility in Fort Worth, Texas. Located at 1300 John Burgess Drive, it is the third full-service company location in the Fort Worth area. Penske now has a total of 16 locations throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex.

This structure offers Potrošnik in komercialna najem tovornjakov, popoln zakup tovornjakov in pogodbeno vzdrževanje voznega parka. Opremljen je tudi z lastniškim popolnoma digitalnim in glasovnim vodenjem postopek preventivnega vzdrževanja in povezane rešitve voznega parka, vir z dodano vrednostjo, ki strankam pomaga pri reševanju težav in možnosti, povezanih s tehnološkimi sistemi na vozilu (ELD, telematika, vgrajene kamere itd.).

“We invested in this third local location to support our growing customer base in the southern part of the Fort Worth market,” explained Chris Anderholm, senior vice president for Penske Truck Leasing’s south central region. “We are very pleased to be a part of the business park expansion which allows Penske to better serve large customers in the delivery and food and beverage sectors, and to help them meet their customer’s needs.”

The location is 23,470-square-feet and sits on 12.5 acres. It has five truck service bays, an automated wash bay and a full-service fuel island.

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