Registrirajte se zdaj — študenti zasedejo voznikov sedež na 3. dan simpozija Aurora Institute 2021

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Oktober 6, 2021

Register now — Students Take the Driver’s Seat on Day 3 of of the Aurora Institute Symposium 2021

And from the neo-liberals.

Spletna različica

The Time Is Now: Students Take the Driver’s Seat

Simpozij inštituta Aurora je vodilna konferenca za preoblikovanje izobraževalnih sistemov K-12, napredek prelomnih praks in politik ter izvajanje personaliziranega učenja, ki temelji na kompetencah.

Kdo bi se moral udeležiti in zakaj? Attendees include K-12 system and school administrators, teachers, and nonprofits working in next generation learning, actively implementing personalized, competency-based designs, as well as policymakers, researchers, and other experts in K-12 advancing the future of learning. It is the premiere event for learning about cutting-edge promising practices, the latest policy developments and research, and future-focused trends in teaching and learning. This year’s virtual event is designed to build the capacity of the field to implement equitable, whole child, personalized, competency-based systems. More than 40% of Symposium breakout sessions feature students as speakers.

When the Symposium comes to a close on October 27th, students will be driving the conversation. Join Jemar Lee — a young, nationally respected advocate for learner-centered education and an educational entrepreneur — in conversation with four high school students for the closing keynote. Learn from the students’ experiences in student-centered environments and with innovations in the field, and aspirations for the future of school that adequately meets their needs.

Through keynotes and more than 55 sessions highlighting breakthrough practices and policies, the Symposium inspires attendees, equips them with new knowledge and best practices, and sparks action by leaders to implement new learning designs. Session strands include: Shifting to Competency-Based Education; Transforming Education Systems; Whole Child Personalized Learning; Designing New Learning Models/Redesign; Enabling Anytime/Anywhere Learning; Modernizing Professional Learning; and more.

Join us virtually October 25-27, 2021.

Člani Zavoda Aurora se simpozija lahko udeležijo brezplačno. Postanite član Inštituta Aurora še danes, nato se prijavite za udeležbo na simpoziju tukaj.

Hitre povezave:

Delite to objavo na družbenih medijih:

  • The @Aurora_Inst Symposium will close with a panel of students discussing their experiences with #PersonalizedLearning and #CompetencyEd. Join me in registering to attend: #Aurora21
  • Join me and @Aurora_Inst virtually at #Aurora21 on October 25-27. Looking forward to hearing from students during the closing keynote! Register to attend:
  • Attend the leading conference for transforming #K12 #edu. #Aurora21 will close with a panel of students discussing their experiences with #PersonalizedLearning and #CompetencyEd. Registration to attend virtually on October 25-27: @Aurora_Inst

Za vprašanja, prosim stopite v stik z ekipo simpozija Inštituta Aurora. We look forward to seeing you at the Symposium.

O meni

Poslanstvo Inštituta Aurora je spodbujati preoblikovanje izobraževalnih sistemov in pospešiti napredek prelomnih politik in praks za zagotavljanje visokokakovostnega učenja za vse.


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