SPG, žeton Space Crypto, je izgubil 16 %: čas za nakup padca?

Izvorno vozlišče: 1175887

SPG, the native token of the Space Metaverse ecosystem, has lost 16% of its value today. If you want to know more about what SPG is, if now’s the right time to buy it, and the best places to buy SPG, you’ve come to the right place.  

Top places to buy SPG now

As SPG is such a new asset, it’s yet to be listed on major exchanges. You can still purchase SPG using a DEX (decentralised exchange) though, which just means there are a few extra steps. To buy SPG right now, follow these steps:

1. Kupite BNB na regulirani borzi ali posredniku, npr Binance ›

Predlagamo Binance ker je to ena vodilnih svetovnih platform za trgovanje z več premoženjem, enota za izmenjavo in denarnico z nekaterimi najnižjimi provizijami v industriji. Prav tako je prijazen začetnikom in ima uporabnikom na voljo več plačilnih sredstev kot katera koli druga razpoložljiva storitev.

2. Pošljite svoj BNB v združljivo denarnico, kot je Trust Wallet ali MetaMask

Ustvariti morate denarnico, vzeti naslov in tja poslati svoje kovance.

3. Povežite svojo denarnico s SushiSwap DEX

Pojdite na SushiSwap in z njim 'povežite' svojo denarnico.

4. You can now swap your BNB for SPG

Now that you’re connected, you’ll be able to swap for 100s of coins including SPG.

Kaj je SPG?

In the Space Metaverse, you can earn SPG tokens through skilled, strategic gameplay and contribute to the ecosystem. You are a space guardian on a mission to fight evil and protect the metaverse.

There are many different ways to earn SPG in Space Crypto: complete missions, upgrade and trade your spaceships, P2P, buy-sell-lease land, or simply stake $SPG token and receive interest rate from the treasury.

The game focuses on inclusivity so it is designed in a way that allows everyone to play and enjoy the game anywhere at any time. You can play via a web browser. The Android and IOS versions are coming soon.

Simple gameplay allows you to enjoy the game and earn tokens in your free time and the game is free to play.

SPG is the main token with a total supply of 1 billion. It serves for payment in the marketplace and fusion spaceships, staking to earn rewards from the Treasury & DAO, and voting on economy-related decisions.

Should I buy SPG today?

Nič ne more nadomestiti lastnega raziskovanja. Vsaka naložbena odločitev, ki jo sprejmete, mora temeljiti na vašem tržnem znanju, vašem odnosu do tveganja ter lastnostih in razpršenosti vašega portfelja. Razmislite tudi, kako bi se počutili ob izgubi denarja.

SPG price prediction

Digital Coin Price is bullish on SPG, predicting it will reach $2.44 this year, $2.76 in 2023, $3.16 in 2024, $3.37 in 2026, and $6.21 in 2028. Wallet Investor, on the other hand, predicts it will continue to decline and advises against buying it.  

SPG on social media

Pošta SPG, žeton Space Crypto, je izgubil 16 %: čas za nakup padca? pojavil prvi na Časopis za kovance.

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