Diskontna trgovina Bitcoin

Izvorno vozlišče: 1325485

box of sale items

Pred kratkim sem šel nakupovati na bencinski črpalki, kjer je bilo vse 75% znižano.

I’m not in the habit of shopping at gas stations, because I drive a Tesla. (Which, incidentally, Kupil sem z bitcoini.) One of the great things about owning an electric car is you no longer have to worry about gas prices. It’s enormously freeing.

I was taking a road trip to pick up my son from college, and stopped at a Supercharger to power up. I looked around for something to eat, and the only place nearby was a gas station. It had one of those convenience stores attached, so I wandered in.

Tucked away in the back, behind the Slim Jims and the antifreeze, I spotted a cardboard bin that read 75% OFF. Always one for a bargain, I looked inside.

convenience store food

Bil je rog izobilja of convenience store food.

Energijske ploščice. Konzerve. Žitarice. Mešani oreščki. Testenine.

Vse 75 % ceneje.

I couldn’t believe my fortune. I rummaged around, wondering if something was wrong with this stuff. Maybe they had been sprayed with DDT, or had an expiration date of 1979.

Mimo je šel poslovodja trgovine. "Je to res?" sem jo vprašal.

"Ja," je potrdila. »Smo v lasti 7-Eleven Corporate in menjajo vse blago v naših trgovinah. Vse to so ukinili, zato so vse vrgli v koš in označili. Ste videli osebno blago?"

I looked over and saw there were two more identical bins, all 75% off. One was overflowing with toiletries and medications: Advil, toothpaste, hand sanitizer, tampons, condoms. (For some reason, there were lots and lots of condoms.)

sales 75% off

“Can I have a box?” I asked. “I’m going to need one to carry my haul.”

“All the good stuff was gone pretty fast,” she continued when she came back with my box.

“Are you kidding me?” I asked. “This will be my grocery shopping for the week.”

box filled with sale items
I paid $20 for all this. (Retail price: $80)

Kupite delnice v razprodaji

Eno od načel vlaganja vrednosti je nakup "delnic na razprodaji".

Raziščite kakovostna podjetja, ki so premalo cenjena, tj. trgujejo pod svojo tržno vrednostjo. Ko najdete ugodno ponudbo, jo kupite.

Na primer, mislim, da je moja Tesla odlična, vendar zaloge TSLA zagotovo niso naprodaj.

market capitilization
Ni možnosti, da bi bil Tesla vreden več kot naslednjih 10 avtomobilskih podjetij skupaj. (Z dovoljenjem WolfStreet.com)

Obstajata dva načina za iskanje delnic v prodaji: na težji način in na enostaven način.

The hard way is to look at core company metrics: revenue, earnings, cash flow, profitability, dividends, etc.. Compare its stock price with similar companies, to see if it’s underpriced.

Enostaven način je opazovanje odličnih podjetij, ki so doživela nedavni »šok«, ki je povzročil padec njihove cene. Ta šok je lahko zunanji (na primer splošni padec trga) ali notranji (nekaj, kar je prestrašilo vlagatelje).

I’ll give an example. Years ago, I invested in Netflix (NFLX), which had just started its streaming service. Netflix was still primarily a DVD-by-mail company, and I thought their model was much better than that of video stores. Here I had some experience: I had spent an unhappy year in college working at a Blockbuster Video, which I found to be a terrible company. (Any life experience can be useful, even working minimum wage at Blockbuster.)

I didn’t buy NFLX stock right away, and to my dismay, the stock price kept going up, and up, and up. Then Netflix announced they were going to split the business into two offerings: the streaming service would keep the name Netflix, and the DVD-by-mail business would be renamed “Qwikster.”

quickster launching soon

If you thought Facebook changing its name to “Meta” was a big deal, you should have been there for “Netflix” becoming “Qwikster.” There was a furious uproar usually reserved for political revolutions. CEO Reed Hastings was called a trickster and a huckster for pulling a Qwikster.

Ni treba posebej poudarjati, da je delnica NFLX padla. In sem ga pobrala.

nflx chart
You can probably guess where “Qwikster” was announced.

This was not an easy decision. The DVD-by-mail business was their moneymaker, and Netflix was essentially betting it all on streaming. Netflix didn’t have experience as a streaming platform; no one did. They had experience with logistics, shipping DVDs in red envelopes from giant warehouses. Streaming seemed a very risky bet.

To je primer nakupa »zaloge na razprodaji«. To je enako, kot če bi našli zabojnik za ugodno ponudbo na zadnji strani bencinske črpalke: blago ni lepo in veliko ljudi bo mislilo, da je z njim nekaj narobe. Toda kondom s popustom je še vedno kondom.

Želim si, da bi vam lahko povedal, da sem to delnico NFLX obdržal do danes, a sem jo pozneje prodal, da bi jo znova kupil v prvih dneh pandemije, ko je cena nenadoma spet strmoglavila. (I told you about that opportunity, too.)

So we have two “shocks” to NFLX stock, one caused by an internal decision (Qwikster) and one by external forces (Covid-19). In both cases, investors fled. But the core business remained the same. In fact, Netflix quickly dropped the Qwikster idea, and still offers DVDs by mail.

Sounds easy, but it is actually really hard to buy stocks on sale. You’ve got to get over the fear: What if I’m wrong, and everyone else is right? The great difficulty is overcoming our own brains: why would I buy something that’s losing value?

Kar nas pripelje do bitcoina.

50 odstotkov ceneje

Bitcoin je 50% znižan

Poor bitcoin is sitting in the bargain bin at the back of the gas station, with a sign reading 50% OFF.

Bitcoin lahko kupite po dobesedno polovični ceni, kot so jo ljudje plačevali pred šestimi meseci. Pred šestimi meseci so ljudje stali v vrsti, da bi oddali naročila; danes bitcoin ne more dobiti ljubezni.

Guess what? Same bitcoin.

Nič se ni spremenilo. Brez regulativnih objav, brez tehnoloških napak. Bitcoina niso preimenovali v "Qwikbux."

As market strategist Jeff Sommer wrote in his excellent Kolumna New York Times, no one should be investing in the stock market if they need that money to pay rent or gas. (That goes double for bitcoin.)

But if you have the means and the mettle to stick with it if prices drop lower, these are the conditions that long-term value investors love. (Look at how Warren Buffett is spending big right now to snap up stocks on sale.)

In tudi če ne želite zapravljati veliko, lahko za začetek uporabite vabo bitcoina s popustom vlaganje s stalnim kapljanjem, then “set it and forget it.”

Bolje je kot delnice v razprodaji: to je kripto ob obračunu. In ne glede na to, kaj se bo zgodilo jutri, eno stvar vemo zagotovo: te cene ne bodo trajale.

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