Vodilni vrh upravljanja alternativnih naložb – Dubajska izdaja 2022

Izvorno vozlišče: 1588263

13th Edition of The Leading Alternative Investment Management Summit taking place in Dubai on 21 & 22 November will focus on the central theme of navigating through the current global economy – inflation, stagflation and recession, and will gather this year, the world’s leading economists, market movers and investment experts to share their insights, opportunities and strategies speculating on the current and future market conditions.

AIM Summit Dubai Edition presents an unrivaled opportunity for discussions on investment developments, global market conditions, latest trends and best practices. Conference topics include private equity, hedge funds, digital assets, venture capital, fintech, emerging markets, NFTs and metaverse, M&As, crypto mining, ESG and impact investing and Web 3.

For more information, visit the conference website www.aimsummit.com

Za sponzorstvo in priložnosti govora kontaktirajte info@aimsummit.com

Spletna stran - www.aimsummit.com

Povezava za registracijo - https://www.aimsummit.com/page/2170313/apply-to-attend

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