Ta teden na Xboxu: 23. april 2021

Izvorno vozlišče: 826355

Vemo, da ste zaposleni in lahko zamudite vse vznemirljive stvari, o katerih vsak teden govorimo na Xbox Wire. Če imate nekaj minut, vam lahko pomagamo odpraviti to. Novice prejšnjega tedna smo strnili v en lahko prebavljiv članek za vse, kar zadeva Xbox! Če pa raje gledate kot berete, si lahko napasete oči ob naši tedenski video oddaji zgoraj. Vrnite se vsak petek, da izveste, kaj se ta teden dogaja na Xboxu!

Team Xbox Celebrates Earth Day

Ekipa Xbox praznuje dan Zemlje: Evo, kako lahko sodelujete
Sustainability is a pivotal point of focus for Microsoft and Xbox. We’re exploring new ways to reduce our carbon footprint and to raise awareness with our community. Reaching our sustainability commitments will take time and… Preberi več

Dogodek tahionske anomalije Marvel's Avengers se začne 22. aprila
We first revealed the Tachyon Anomaly event one month ago at Square Enix Presents, and we’re eager to dive into the details to prepare you for its arrival on April 22! Being able to have a Strike Team composed of more than one of the same Hero has… Preberi več

Free Multiplayer Hero Image

Spletna igra za več igralcev za brezplačne igre odklenjena od danes
Danes delimo več podrobnosti o naši načrti to make online multiplayer in free-to-play games available on Xbox without an Xbox Live Gold membership. As part of listening to your feedback, this change will take place starting today… Preberi več

Povežite se, ustvarjajte in praznujte na dogodku ob obletnici Warframe
We’re humbled and delighted to be sharing our 8-year Anniversary Event with you and more than 40 million other Tenno playing around the globe. We’re even more excited to be doing so now Optimized for Xbox Series X|S! Despite disruptions of the… Preberi več


Doživite Yakuzin Kamurocho skozi oči detektiva v Spinoff seriji Judgement
Končno, all mainline Yakuza entries from Yakuza 0 vse do konca Yakuza: Kot Zmaj are now available on Xbox! We’re also proud to announce that Yakuza’s spinoff series Sodba debuts today on Xbox Series X|S. “What the heck is this… Preberi več

Quick Tips to Survive the Epic Battlefields of the Chivalry 2 Cross-Platform Play Closed Beta
Sharpen your blades and get ready to cut your teeth in the Viteštvo 2 cross-platform play closed beta on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S! Viteštvo 2 is a multiplayer, first-person slasher inspired by epic medieval movie battles. Starting today in the… Preberi več

Cloud Gaming Hero Image

Xbox Cloud Gaming za osebne računalnike z operacijskim sistemom Windows 10 ter telefone in tablice Apple se začne kot omejena različica beta za člane Xbox Game Pass Ultimate
Our mission at Xbox is to empower you to play the games you want with the people you want, anywhere you want. Simply put, we believe games have the power to connect humanity and it’s our mission to make gaming more accessible to people… Preberi več

Sledite lovcem v Vigorju: 8. sezona
Season 7 brought us the Mercenaries, and while everything wasn’t as perfect as we would have liked, we feel like everyone enjoyed the time we spent with them. We’re very grateful for all the feedback you provided as it helped us make a bunch… Preberi več

MLB The Show 21 - Hero Image

MLB The Show 21 je zdaj na voljo na Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S in Xbox Game Pass
Vesel dan začetka bejzbolskih oboževalcev! MLB Pokaži 21 is available right now for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and with Xbox Game Pass, so let’s talk about the modes and a few tips to get you started! Are you interested in more of an RPG experience? Then, Road to the Show… Preberi več

Raziskovanje gozda z Enciklopedijo male miške
danes Enciklopedija male miške debuts on Xbox consoles. The kids of our team members had a great time playing it. That’s obvious. However, I was strongly surprised by how much this game helped me to appreciate a trip to a real forest… Preberi več

Zgodbe o vstajanju

Challenge the Fate That Binds You When Tales of Arise Arrives on September 10
Thank you everyone for waiting patiently for the latest entry in the Tales of series. As Zgodbe o vstajanju will be coming to Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S on September 10, and digital pre-orders start today, April 22, our team is excited to share more details about… Preberi več

Space Engineers Warfare 1: Field Engineer DLC je zdaj na voljo
Z veseljem oznanjamo naš prvi del v novi seriji Warfare! Vojna 1 se osredotoča na inženirja tako z razširitvijo inženirjevega arzenala kot tudi z nizom novih funkcij za kakovost življenja Vesoljski inženirji combat…. Preberi več

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Warzone Season Three

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War in Warzone Tretja sezona je v živo
Perseus stands on the edge of total domination and chaos reigns in Verdansk. Welcome to Season Three in Call of Duty: Black Ops hladna vojna in Vojno območje for Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One. Experience the new Warzone, Verdansk ‘84, plus four more multiplayer… Preberi več

Smelter se danes začenja na Xbox One in Xbox Series X|S
Hey everyone! Brian Otten from X Plus in Osaka, Japan here. We are thrilled to be releasing Topilnica, a 16-bit style action-strategy hybrid, available today on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S! Topilnica is a story about a boy. Actually, it’s a story about a girl… Preberi več

Immortals Fenyx Rising - Izgubljeni bogovi

Pummel Monsters Brawler-Style v Immortals Fenyx Rising – The Lost Gods
Immortals Fenyx Rising – The Lost Gods has arrived on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One, introducing a new overhead view, a new hero, and new ways to play. The third DLC chapter for Nesmrtni Fenyx Rising swings its focus back to Greek Mythology, where… Preberi več

Dnevi brezplačne igre – Metro: Last Light Redux in WRC 9 FIA svetovno prvenstvo v reliju
Doživite eno najboljših streljačin vseh časov, ki temeljijo na zgodbi, ali se podajte v blato v vodilni franšizi terenskih simulacij, vse v Dnevih brezplačnega igranja tega konca tedna. Metro: Zadnja luč Redux in WRC 9 FIA Svetovno rally prvenstvo are available for Xbox Live Gold… Preberi več

Temno zavezništvo

Dark Alliance: Predstavitev nujnega boja v Dungeons & Dragons
Temno zavezništvo
 is an action RPG set in the world of Dungeons & Dragons with combat at its core. Our small team at Tuque wants to bring the characters and monsters of D&D to life in a very real, visceral, and fun way. A few amazing games have moved… Preberi več

Phantasy Star Online 2: posebne nagrade za Xbox in zaprti beta test New Genesis
Springtime is here, Arks! We’ve been hard at work preparing some stellar surprises for you this month with outstanding in-game bonus giveaways, as well as some great in-game events that drop some highly hunted loot. And around the corner ready to pounce… Preberi več

Slika junaka

Posodobitev Xbox je tukaj z lestvicami najboljših aplikacij Xbox, novimi funkcijami Game Pass in še več
Team Xbox is excited to continue bringing new ways to make Xbox even better, including refining the experience and delivering brand new features, based on your feedback. This month’s release includes achievement tracking on game detail pages and… Preberi več

Path of Exile: Ultimatum Expansion je zdaj na voljo
Lep pozdrav, Exile! Kaj vas je pripeljalo sem? Če gre za ljubezen do globokih hack-n-slash iger, ki so brezplačne na Xboxu, potem imamo nekaj novic, ki bi jih radi slišali! Pravkar smo lansirali našo aprilsko razširitev, Pot izgnanstva: Ultimat which you can play for free… Preberi več 

Un-Halloween Horror Spectacular Sale

Dobrodošli nazaj v spektakularno razprodajo grozljivk Un-Halloween
Dobrodošli nazaj v Razprodaja grozljivk za noč čarovnic, the promotion so good your wallet likely won’t make it out alive. We noticed here on the ID@Xbox team that great horror franchises are known for having multiple sequels and so we decided to follow… Preberi več

Tropico praznuje 20 let z eksplozivnimi pinatami Llama
Tropska series, which launched in April 2001, celebrates its 20th anniversary with Xbox Deals with Gold. Tropico 1 skozi 6 puts the player in the shoes of ‘El Presidente,’ the ruler of Tropico – a fictional island country in the Caribbean from the… Preberi več

Warhammerjeva doba Sigmarja: Nevihta

Razvijajte in krepite svoje vojske v Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Storm Ground
Pozdravljeni in dobrodošli Warhammerjeva doba Sigmarja: Nevihta, turn-based strategy on the infinite battlefields of the Mortal Realms. Raise an army from one of three factions – Stormcast Eternals, Nighthaunt or Maggotkin – and go to battle in non-linear… Preberi več

Lamborghini Huracán STO pospešeno vstopa v Rocket League od 21. aprila
The Lamborghini inspired by racing heritage will soon be taking on passing plays and aerial goals in Rocket League! The Lamborghini Huracán STO is headed for the pitch and is ready for soccar starting April 21! This new Lamborghini Huracán STO Bundle… Preberi več

Destiny 2 Guardian Games

The Guardian Games Return v Destiny 2
Guardians are born for challenge. Whether learning to master the dark power of Stasis or staring down the enemies of humanity, time and again Guardians rise to the occasion. Starting today through May 9, Destiny 2 players will be facing a different kind… Preberi več

Novi babilonski bog se pridruži Smiteju v posodobitvi King of Uruk
Gilgameš, kralj Uruka, se prebije na bojno polje bogov v Udari’s newest update – available now! As the hero of an incredible Sumerian epic, Gilgamesh is a questing, adventurous king. In Udari, he faces off against a tyrannical Tiamat… Preberi več

Xbox Game Pass Update - April 20

Kmalu na voljo za Xbox Game Pass: Fable Anniversary, MLB The Show 21 in več
Take me out to the ball game, and the dinosaur game, and the puzzle game, and the just let me play all the games game! We’ve got classics, even more PC games, touch controls, and more. Let’s jump in… Preberi več

Naslednji teden na Xboxu: od 26. do 30. aprila
Welcome to Next Week on Xbox! Here we cover all the new games coming soon to Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and Windows 10 PC as well as upcoming Xbox Game Pass and soon-to-be released ID@Xbox titles! Get more details on the games below… Preberi več

Source: https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2021/04/23/this-week-on-xbox-april-23-2021/

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