Tower Finance napoveduje lansiranje algoritemskega stabilnega kovanca: novi sveti gral za Defi 2.0

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Seoul, Korea, Feb 11, 2022 – (ACN Newswire) – Recently, Tower Finance is proud to announce the Launch of its Algorithmic Stablecoin. Algorithm-based stablecoins are new variants of cryptocurrency tailored for offering improved price stability. In the current market today, more and more users have taken interest, as it can also help in balancing the supply and demand of the asset in circulation.

Algoritemski protokol stablecoin, ki ga je razvil Tower Finance, zdi se, da ponuja znatno izboljšano kapitalsko učinkovitost v primerjavi z zavarovanimi stabilnimi kovanci.

Kaj je Tower Finance?

Tower Finance je frakcijski algoritemski stabilni coin, mehko vezan na ameriški dolar, zgrajen na omrežju Polygon. Protokol načrtuje ohranitev stabilnosti cen TWR s shranjevanjem zadostnega zavarovanja v časovno zaklenjenih pametnih pogodbah. USDC se deponira v protokol, ko uporabnik kuje žeton TWR, medtem ko se žeton CUBE, ki se uporablja za kovanje, zažge. Ko uporabnik unovči žetone TWR, protokol povrne USDC in kuje zahtevano količino žetonov CUBE. To omogoča arbiterjem, da pomagajo ohranjati stabilnost cen.

Aiming to solve the ‘Stablecoin trilemma’

Tower Finance aims to provide a solution for the so-called ‘Stablecoin trilemma’ of decentralization, capital efficiency, and price stability by introducing TWR, its fractional-collateralized algorithmic stablecoin. Tower Finance aims to build an ecosystem that incorporates both collateral and high capital efficiency, hence developing stability.

Z uvedbo plavajočega razmerja zavarovanja TWR ne le ohranja svojo vezavo na najučinkovitejši možni način, ampak tudi zajema vrednost za imetnike CUBE in ustvarja donos za svojo skupnost imetnikov.

Implementacija DeFi 2.0 prek Protocol Owned Liquidity in Protocol Rented Liquidity

Tower Finance is the first algorithmic stablecoin protocol to adopt the ‘Protocol Owned Liquidity’ model introduced by OlympusDAO. While the structure is different, the underlying idea is similar. The protocol charges a penalty to users who terminate the vesting terms for the farming rewards. When this happens, the protocol uses 2/3 of the collected penalty for providing liquidity. Half of it is converted to USDC and used to provide liquidity. The leftover, which amounts to 1/3 of the collected penalty, is sent to the Profit Manager.

When TWR is minted with USDC and CUBE, the protocol doesn’t immediately burn CUBE. Instead, 50% of CUBE is sold to temporarily create a CUBE-USDC LP to provide additional liquidity. We call this ‘Protocol Rented Liquidity’, because the meant-to-be-burnt tokens are borrowed for a short period of time to add liquidity to Tower’s ecosystem until it is removed via governance decisions, in which case, the USDC is converted into CUBE and burned.

Z zavezo za dolgoročno vzdržnost, a hkrati tržno prilagojeno, izjemno visoko donosno/izboljšano donosno strategijo za vstop na trg, je popolnoma usojeno, da utre pot protokolom stabilnih coinov v dobi DeFi 2.0

Tower Finance officially launches on Valentine’s Day: 14th februarja ob 6:00 UTC.

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Blagovna znamka: Tower Finance
Kontaktirajte Jeremyja Parkerja, vodjo marketinga
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