Global X s sedežem v ZDA se pridružuje podjetju SIX kot novi izdajatelj ETF

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SIX, an operator and provider of infrastructure services for the Swiss and Spanish Stock Exchanges, announced that Global X, a New York-based provider of global exchange-traded funds (ETFs), has joined SIX as a new ETF issuer today.

Po navedbah uradne osebe Objava shared by SIX, Global X has joined the platform as the second new issuer of ETFs in 2021. Earlier this year, SIX welcomed Tabula as an ETF issuer. Overall, Global X became the 9th product issuer to join SIX this year.

S pridružitvijo dveh skladov s strani Global X ima SIX zdaj skupaj 1,539 ETF, ki jih je objavilo 27 izdajateljev.

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»Vlagatelji se vedno bolj obračajo na SIX, da bi trgovali z ETF-ji. Leta 2020 je bilo na švicarski borzi sklenjenih rekordnih 1.67 milijona ETF poslov, poleg tega pa je v prvi polovici tekočega leta trgovanje z ETF na borzi nadaljevalo rast. Lepa dobrodošlica podjetju Global X, ki je na naši borzi na novo ponudil svoje tematske ETF-je, «je dejal Christian Reuss, vodja SIX Swiss Exchange.

On 8 July 2021, SIX announced the launch of a new dedicated segment for SMEs.

Globalni ETF-ji X

Founded in 2008, Global X has a wide range of products, including 80 ETF strategies and more than $30 billion in assets under management. Global X is a part of Mirae Asset Financial Group, a global financial giant that has more than $550 billion worth of assets under management. “The two funds by Global X bring the total number of ETFs traded at SIX to 1,539, listed by currently 27 issuers. 234 classify as themed ETFs, including the two new Global X ETFs. Trading turnover in themed ETFs accounts for CHF 7.35 bn in the first half of the current year, which is 44.7% more than in the same period 2020, and with these themed ETFs contribute 17.1% to the total ETF trading turnover of CHF 42.9 bn in the first half of 2021,” the Izmenjava dodano.


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